looks like?

Joseph Gordon Lewitt from Brick and The Lookout

FYC Oscars 2008 Reservation Road


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He reminds me of Lou Diamond Phillips lol.


yeah he does look similar to Joseph Gordon Levitt


Not even close. He doesn't look like anyone except like he walked out of a Twilight wolf pack. Super fine.


C'mon everybody, This guy is a dead ringer of "JD Pardo" of the show "Revolution." They could be twin brothers from different mothers!


I thought it was him! That's why im here haha


I just watched the pilot of The 100 and I kept thinking, this guy has to be related to Lou Diamond Phillips. He looks so much like him.


I also thought when watching the pilot of The 100 he looked just like Lou Diamond Phillips and had to be related! I didn't think he just looked like him, I thought he acted a lot like him too.

Then I did also think he looked a bit like him crossed with Joseph Gordon Levitt lol.

real human being and a real hero
