MovieChat Forums > Sasha Grey Discussion > Doesn't strike me as highly intelligent

Doesn't strike me as highly intelligent

I watch Entourage, and had not heard of Sasha Grey until after I started watching this season. After watching several of her episodes I have not been particularly impressed with her performance on the show - tepid, is the word that comes to mind - but I had read that people found her, as a person (not a character) to be highly intelligent, so I watched and read interviews for a while this morning and I do not see a particularly intelligent woman. I don't see a dumb woman, by any stretch. High-Average, maybe, but "highly" intelligent? There is nothing that points to that.

When she speaks of her favorite films and books, I do not get the sense from her that a natural curiosity led her to seek out those works of art. It comes across more as a calculated attempt to appear more intelligent and well read than she is - and certainly more intelligent than the average porn star. I believe this because I do not see the passion and enthusiasm of someone who was deeply touched by these works. She comes across as dispassionate, like a high-schooler forced to analyze Romeo and Juliet. She knows what she is supposed to say to pass the test, but does not feel anything for the story, characters or dialogue.

I do believe it when she says she named herself "Grey" after the grey-area between straight and gay in the Kinsey scale of sexuality, but all that takes is five minutes on a computer to find. I think she just wants to sound smarter than the average uneducated 21 year-old. Saying she named herself after "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was pure computation.

Much like how Cary Grant played the part of "Cary Grant" for years until all of Archie Leach had disappeared, Sasha Grey has created the character of "Sasha Grey" and becomes that fictional character daily, trying to erase Marina Hantzis from her life.

A little knowledge is a bad thing. So is a lot. ~ Albert Einstein


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Yea I get what you're saying. I am hesitant to agree only because it's very easy to assume or perceive these things from a far without spending any 'real' time with her or others that might be grouped in that circle. But yea it's def not the first time I've heard a similar thought (yours was very well put by the way). There's a series called "Playing Dungeons and Dragons with porn stars" that she is a part of and comes off a little disinterested but that could just be her personality (also D+D isn't for everyone obv). I don't know if it's just me but I don't see why she (Sasha)would make this persona up without any substance behind it and not expect to be found out. And if she was creating this persona then wouldn't she be more active in promoting it rather coming off as some sketchy dispassionate individual? I'd love to spend a year or even a week in that girls shoes just to see what *beep* is thrown at her and how she reacts to it. The world can make us dispassionate sometimes too and I reckon there would be some exceptional people in that industry that get nothin but negativity from the mainstream and I am willing to bet that she is one of them. Just my two cents :)


Everyone who judges her as 'highly intelligent' without knowing her should add the words ['for a porn actress'] to the end of their statement, as a caveat.

"I've been turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn; I still try"


Anyone one who thinks there is a statement to be made in pornography is a *beep* dummy. I never heard of her until I heard Howard Stern's response to the Rolling Stones article about her, and I think he hit the mark pretty well. Though I'm sure she is quite competent in porn, the transition from pornographer to actress is harder than the transition from DP, to missionary. Now, I'm going to gets some hand cream and go do critical analysis of the cinema conventions in Homo Erectus.


Sasha Grey has a facade of sangfroid.


It's like she's smart, but she's not!


Oh, and you're highly intelligent then? It's obvious that you have an agenda against Sasha because of your own inherent bias and beliefs. Good heavens, a porn star who reads? People like you disgust me.


You know what disgusts me? Idiots like you who give knee-jerk reactions to subject lines without reading the actual post. I have no agenda against Sasha or anyone in her line of work.

I don't give a damn if she does porn. I live two towns over from the porn capital of the world and I don't care. I watched and read interviews Sasha had given. I looked at what she said and how she said it, and how she responded to questions. I didn't say she wasn't very intelligent because she does porn. I said that her being "well-read" comes from a calculation to appear smart. She shows no intellectual curiosity or interest in the things she talks about. If anything she sounds bored, like she's just rattling off information that has no connection to her. If she is able to carry on an truly intelligent and impassioned conversation about these books she's read and professes to love, then there would be no issue - but so far she hasn't, and that is because she can't. She makes sure all interviewer tell her that she's smart because she knows she isn't highly intelligent and is insecure about it.

BTW - there is a porn star with an IQ over 150 called Asia Carrera and is a member of Mensa. Note how she does not go around making sure her publicist tells people to mention that she is super smart. Because smart people don't need to.

Oh, what now? I'm in shock. Look, I've got a blanket! ~ Sherlock
