Yeah, Spiderman could be black---why the hell does he still need to be white in this day and age,anyway? All you posters need to ask yourselves why the hell you're so against a black actor playing a superhero? Basically because we've all been brainwashed for so long and so damn hard into believing that only white males can be these all-powerful characters, which, in this day & age, is total & complete bull****. Hell, yeah, Spiderman could be black---what the hell would be so damn confusing about it? NOTHING---especially if it's Donald Glover, who is sort of known. I mean,hell, if they picked a virtually unknown British actor to re-boot Spiderman, why not use an American actor like Glover to do the same damn thing. It kills me how comic book artists have no qualms in creating a black superhero, but when it comes to movies, it's like, "Aw, hell no, we can't show a black superhero because white people supposedly can't relate to him,blah, blah,blah"---same old stupid out-of-date excuse that's growing REAL tired & stale in this multicultural 21st century. I wish a Hollywood director would have the guts to go ahead, and just do the damn thing,cast Glover, make that Spiderman movie, and see what happens---it's not like anyone would be making a story remaking the Holy Grail or something!