MovieChat Forums > Andrew Cuomo Discussion > So hitting on chicks is now a crime?

So hitting on chicks is now a crime?

He wanted to hug a girl and she felt harassed. Really?


Vanity Fair has an article claiming only Trump Fanatics support Cuomo!


His real crime was murdering thousands of seniors during the pandemic


He’s a Democrat on a power trip which makes this even FUNNIER!


I don't care if he rubbed some woman's ass.

He is a mass murderer.

It's public record.

Hell, not only that, it was publicized on TV.


I hope they take his Emmy and shove it up his murdering ass


I believe he actually made physical contact with some of them, not just verbal flirting. I believe the crime in NY is forcible touching (misdemeanor). Hence, there has been some talk that Cuomo may face criminal charges


I wonder how they would prove the alleged forcible touching?? The woman's words alone don't make it true. Plus she was desperate for o/t pay.


1). If they could show that the witness is credible, that can be enough for a criminal charge & conviction.

2). People may not have seen the touching, but there are witnesses to the verbal flirting. The verbal flirting provides unfavorable context for Cuomo, supporting the allegation that he touched

3). The multiple victims also help establish a pattern, which makes it harder to rely solely on the argument that the girl lied. One or two girls may lie, yeah. But once you get into four, five, six girls ... you would have a hard time saying that all of them are just lying.


Thank you.


Easier to sue him for harassment than for mass murder.


It's all about money and power. People in New York wanted to get rid of the white man in the Governor's Mansion, so they found women from years ago to make their case. If these women truly believe in what they are saying, they will submit to polygraphs. That was good enough for Anita Hill, so it should be good enough for these women.


I believe he's a heterosexual man who likes women and hits on his staff. He's too old for the women he hits on though.


In one of his press conferences last year, he said his age group wasn't old. He didn't feel old.
