I find some of the comments here to be very sexist. First of all Jennifer Lawrence does have a certain charm and can act so you can't attribute her whole career to f*** Weinstein. Sure he gave her opportunities but she used them since she does have quality. There are a lot of beautiful women in Hollywood and not everyone can actually act well in movies and Jennifer can do it better than most. Then accusing her of being a slut, I find that in poor taste. Sure she is a slut but that is no reason to like her less. More like a reason to like her more. News for you guys, women like sex. Some women are even into fat bastards especially if they have money and power. So she combined what she likes doing with what she likes getting, big deal. Some of you guys act like there's a bunch of Marlon Brando acting lvl actresses out there that Jennifer Lawrence screwed over by screwing Harvey. In short, yeah I believe she is slutty and no I don't judge that. Women love getting it as.much as dudes as some of them.use it you know, the oldest trade in the world.