I loved her and thought that she was a "real person" who made it big and on top of it had a sparkling personality.
I'm a male and if I had a daughter I would have wanted one like her. My people are witty, kind, outgoing, and I wished I had a kid like her.
Then, I saw these photos of her and a female friend, both looked like "hard women" and they were smoking weed, which is illegal. Then, she won the Oscar, when her performance was good but not amazing. I know how evil jewish showbiz males are, and saw Harvey Weinstein and knew he was a pervert just by looking at him. Super ugly jew in charge of infidel females, equals rapist. So, she was likely a whore who fucked her way to the top, so quickly it was suspicious. Then, the nudes came out and sealed it for me.
Sexy talented girls with great personalities don't send nudes because they don't need to. If you get to be with one, they know you know you want to protect your relationship with her and keep it classy. A whore thinks she has to be a bigger whore to keep her usually dysfunctional man.
However, it isn't audiences that rejected her. In spite of what I wrote, I'd go see her in something. Instead, I think Hollywood saw her Oscar as invalid and the result of fucking a pervert, and they are making her fade away.