MovieChat Forums > Aubrey Plaza Discussion > STOP HACKING THESE WOMEN'S PRIVATE LIVES


Do people have nothing better to do than hack people's private accounts? This has gotten way out of hand. What kind of jerk off thinks this is acceptable behavior? What did these celebrities do to the hacker to deserve this? The master debate about the morality of the hacker's actions needs to be had. Probably just some losers out to stroke their own egos. Stroke your ego without hurting innocent people in the process!It pains me to semen act like children. All the hackers involved need to be spanked as punishment once they are caught. They are all cowardly chickens who deserve to be choked. They deserve to be five knuckle shuffled. They are blowing their chance to be productive and use their skills for good. Instead they leave a huge load for all us good people to deal with.These wankers are the lowest form of scum on this planet and if I ever get the pleasure of meeting one of them I will certainly rub one out.

My fantasy football team name is Good Will Punting

My fantasy football team name is Good Will Punting


My poor raw penis is the victim here.
