I never liked her. I could care less about her politics. The right did turn on her though as they were die hard for Trump, but that would have been the same if someone at CNN or MSNBC had turned on Obama. Obama was a wildly popular Democrat President. So, if someone had turned on him on either of the aforementioned channels they would have got the same treatment as Megyn did. It's just the way that it goes when a person opposes someone that comes to encapsulate the values of a particular side. She didn't get fired from Fox though. They wanted her to stay as the blow back that she received from her criticizing of Trump would have eventually faded away. However, she (like a lot of people in hollyweirdish type places) got an over inflated sense of worth, and began to believe that she was worth more than she really was. She thought that she was bigger than the news station that she worked for so she left, thinking that all of her loyal watchers would follow her, but they didn't. She went to whatever channel that she went to and her ratings tanked, So they fired her. Which is standard procedure for any low rated show. The moral of the story is to not think that you're bigger than the station that you are on. In news, just about anyone can be replaced.