Trump was not confirmed on 1/6. So no matter what happens from now until 1/20 Trump will NOT be POTUS when the sun sets that day.
If fraud is proven AND shown to effect the outcome, PELOSI, as Speaker would be sworn in. Congress would have no choice but to order a re-do election. Unprecedented and NOT in the Constitution, but other clauses in the Constitution leads to it. IF Biden knew prior to 1/6, he’d be ineligible and the Dems have to nominate someone else. If Biden did not know prior to 1/6, he’d be in the re-do election.
There was no large scale fraud. Most of the fraud they've identified were people trying to vote for Trump, and we're talking about a handful of individuals - not even enough to be a microscopic blip in the vote totals. This election was the most heavily monitored of any in history. I wouldn't call it a landslide but it was decisive (i.e. not close).
Republicans like to talk about Venezuela a lot, because they've mistakenly branded it a socialist country - but this is how elections work there. If Mr. Maduro doesn't win the election it's not legitimate. He either fudges the votes or brings out the troops and "wins" another term down the barrels of their guns. First time we've seen this mentality here though. And don't think Trump wouldn't have declared martial law and forced a re-do of the election, altering vote counts if necessary, if he had that power. He was talking about doing just that!
I can't understand why even Trump's biggest supporters don't realize they aren't the majority of Americans. More of us wanted him out than not - that's the reason he lost. This is typically why free elections get lost. More people like your opponent than like you. The absolute refusal to see what should be obvious to anyone who travels the country boggles my mind.
“ There was no large scale fraud. Most of the fraud they've identified were people trying to vote for Trump, and we're talking about a handful of individuals - not even enough to be a microscopic blip in the vote totals.”