Permanent masks for the sheeple
yes this is why i am moving to Texas. the government is coming for all our freedoms and u need to surround yourself with patriots if u want to live any normal life. so what is the point of taking some dumbass experiment vaccine that will most likely fuck u up in future if u gotta were ur dumbass mask like a china cuck anyways
shareIt's a great idea that Texans shouldn't be vaccinated or wear masks. It would be best to keep them in the state, though.
shareBy 2028, Texas will be voting blue. And rightfully so. The only red states after 2028 will be in the northwest like Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas. Fact!
shareyeah i am gonna be leaving this sinking ship in the coming years. lucky for me my mom was immigrant and born in Poland so i am entitled to a citizenship to there. Europe went to shit too but at least Poland stayed based and red pilled didnt let those self hating german politicians ruin there country with mass immigration of low skilled labor like most other countries gave into
shareYou can't escape evolution, son.
sharedevolution, coming to a town near you. sponsored by israhell
shareYou'd have to ask your mom about that, sorry.
sharemy mom was blonde hair blue eyed queen. my shitty genes come from my dads side. luckily he is just a Serbian so at least i am not afro murican
shareLol. Good luck integrating in Polish society.
sharewell i understand Polish and speak it half assed already so integrating wont be so hard. been going there every couple years since 1996. its more of a home than my hometown in USA for me. Murica is good place to make money and practice capitalism but it is no place to enjoy life at
sharerightfully? You act like the people of Texas are changing their views? It's literally being flooded by desperate people who flee their home state/country after supporting their terrible liberal ideas they thought were good ideas, and now plan on enacting them, wherever they go, expecting different results like the crazy morons they are. The forefathers understood this, which is why they wanted to limit voting to people who were highly invested in the country to be involved in politics. The mongoloids who think everyone has a right to vote are too stupid to understand why they shouldn't. And YES, they still deserved to be taxed. They certainly take more of it than they pay in. Especially minorities.
By 2028, Texas will have more registered democrat voters than republicans. And mail in voting will only help our democrat cause to move the country forward
I recommend “Cough on Liberal Days”.
shareJail for you day. There is a woman who might get 20 years for coughing on a woman who was a cancer patient and her son(who is has issues with his immune system). You should try it and see where it gets you.
shareHow about make a man out of a liberal day? When are liberals going to stop acting like a bunch of pussies?
shareThis liberal man has taken out so many punks like you, it would make yer goddamned head spin, boy. I haven't been a pussy, EVER. Got plenty of scars to show for it, but I'll never back down from you right-wing idiots.
shareSpoken by anonymous tough guy in undisclosed location.
shareBet LemmyLugosi looks a lot like this guy IRL.
shareFlip flop
shareYou know, if the whole world adopted the Japanese custom of wearing a fucking mask when you're sick to keep from infecting others, then the world would be a healthier, more courteous, and generally better place.
Gawd, some people act like having a little basic consideration for other people will make their dicks fall off.
Japan had a HUGE flu outbreak in 2019. What are those masks doing again?
shareReducing the number of cases.
shareHow do you know that? You don't. Also, if they wear them the way you say they do, there should have been little or no outbreak since the masks prevent spreading (according to you).
shareOf course masks themselves don't completely stop the spread of disease, you have to add hand hygiene, and in cases of really bad shit - social distancing. Remember, masks keep the germs from getting out, hand hygiene keeps the germs from getting in!
I'm not talking to you directly, of course, I'm talking to anyone with sense who might read this. You're free to get sick and die if you really want to.
There’s your solution. If you’re so nervous about “Covid”, move to Japan or wear a mask or both. It’s a question of freedom. Fauci has said wearing masks are useless and besides, his Holiness Fauci has been exposed as a tool of the Deep State. You want to wear a mask? Fine! Good for you! Someone doesn’t? Mind your own business.
shareFauci only said the fully vaccinated should be doing without masks.
As for minding my own business: I fully support the right of any competent adult to die for their beliefs, however stupid those beliefs may be, and if it were just your life at stake I'd wave you a cheerful goodbye. However, the whole debate over masking, social distancing, hand hygiene, and other common-sense precautions doesn't come down to people like you dying for your beliefs... but killing.
A person who refuses to take precautions may carelessly infect and sicken or kill someone who isn't as vigilant about precautions as myself, and normal people (those with triple-digit IQs and no personality disorders) don't want to do that, are willing to take steps to avoid killing their own mother or the ER doctor who tries to save your life. So again, I'm not really talking to you, because you're a fool, I'm talking to anyone with common sense who might need this.
I look forward to “killing” sheeple like you. As for “people with triple-digit IQs”, it doesn’t take a Dumacrap to figure out this is complete and utter bullshit.
Happy watching!
Oh God, I get my information from authentic medical sources such as the CDC and peer-reviewed journals, and you get yours from youtube. Therefore, I win any and all arguments on this sources! And you've admitted you're a sociopath!
Fuck off, don't bother to answer.
Take off your mask it’s fucking up what “intelligence” you have. Be careful of your brain when you sit down....You don’t want to crush it.
shareJapan has a ridiculous suicide rate, that went even higher during the peak of covid. That level of paranoia isn't healthy.
shareThat has no bearing on how effective masks and hygiene are at preventing the transmission of viruses. Japan has had consistently low death rates from the pandemic, 14K total deaths compared to 600K in the US, and their population is about a quarter of ours so that's a massive statistical difference.
Of course they're about to mess that up, by hosting a fucking Olympics.
I never said it did, but paranoia has its price, hence the higher suicide rates. Are you really suggesting deaths only matter if a virus is the direct reason? People are killing themselves over the fear propaganda, but I guess you just want to ignore that. Also, it's long been evident that many recent deaths in the US have misattributed to the disease, so those statistics are irrelevant.
shareThere are risks and benefits to everything, and frankly, wearing masks and washing hands is a pretty damn small price to pay for anything worthwhile, such as being alive. Masks and handwashing = high benefit with zero risk, just minor inconvenience!
The fact is, if there was an increase in suicides during the pandemic, you have no idea what number of those suicides were directly attributable to the pandemic, and how many were due to other factors. But there have been 600,000 official deaths in my country officially from COVID, many more worldwide (with no honest worldwide numbers available), and no numbers available on people partially or completely disabled by the virus. Which does happen, BTW.
I leave you to contemplate the difference between common-sense precautions that anyone can do, such as hand hygiene and mask wearing, and "paranoia". One is a rational response to the unpleasant fact of a pandemic, and if people had been willing to look into the reasons for those common sense precautions and to carry them out, then they'd have far less reason to be afraid. But no, a bunch of nutters and assholes had to resist the simple and worthwhile process of keeping others from getting sick, and give everyone that much more to be afraid of.
I recently went to a friend's mom's funeral who had CHF and kidney failure, leading to dialysis. She was morbidly obese and was on deaths door for the last 2 years. While in the hospital, she contracted covid, and finally succumbed. Official cause of death is now COVID-19..... please, spare me your feigned ignorance that you aren't well aware that this is widespread, misleading and intentional for political posturing. Give me a break.
shareOh bullshit. I've seen what firsthand what COVID can do to ordinary people who were healthy before they caught it. FYI it's a dangerous, unique, and incurable disease, and you are blowing shit out of your ass because you don't want to believe that there's been anything seriously wrong.
If anyone with sense is reading this, and you aren't vaccinated or live surrounded by fools who lack the common sense needed to keep from spreading this virus, keep yourself safe! You do NOT want to catch this shit, because if you're the one who gets the severe case, and nobody knows why some people are fine after a few days of oxygen and some go into multiple organ failure, and yes, it's incurable, and that means your doctor can't make the virus go away. Most people who have symptoms get better after a while on their own, and may need to be in a hospital getting plenty of oxygen to get them through the worst of the symptoms, but that's "supportive care" and not a cure.
Just don't catch it, sensible people.
I'm done. You're purely deflecting at this point, by not at all addressing my several valid points. I don't have time for pathetic liberals who are willing to be willfully ignorant just to push an agenda. Goodbye cupcake.😘
shareFuck off, and my sympathies to anyone you give COVID to!
If there's anyone sensible reading this, remember there are idiots like Burk#### out there, so protect yourself!
I hope I give covid to your mom on Thursday night when I throw her the usual pity fuck and she cries and tells me what a sad disappointment her children are. Then she blows me with her fresh ass juice still on my cock, and she knows she deserves the shame, just for simply reproducing and allowing you to live.
shareMom says throwing you a pity fuck is no hardship, you're so small she can't feel a thing.
shareEveryone needs to stop paying attention to this idiot bureaucrat. Unfortunately, most people are dumb sheep.
Nothing scared me more with the government thinking they can force people to wear a mask. They did it once and they are going to find a way to do it again. I can take responsibility for myself by going to get a flu shot and that it's it. If you get sick from the flu it's your own damn fault.