You're fat (40% of America is considered obese)
You have 2-3 health issues (fat people have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, blood type 10w40)
You're elderly and have health issues (if not then the survival rate is the same as the regular flu if someone elderly catches it)
And before anyone says "But young people die of COVID"...yes, young people die of the flu as well but it's a tiny percentage and that's what researchers call an OUTLIER.
Basically if you're in shitty shape it's going to be hell for you. JUST...LIKE...THE...FLU.
This disease is nothing like the flu. Totally different family of virus. Older and sicker people are more vulnerable ... but you can say that of most diseases. It still kills sizable numbers of people in their twenties and thirties - and you may consider your grandparents acceptable losses but I don't. With a large population number even a small percentage of that adds up to one big pile of bodies. Coronavirus is currently the leading cause of death in the United States. All praise to the Orange Ogre! If you think death rates are low at around 1% of total infections, wait until the hospitals are full everywhere and people who only needed basic supplemental oxygen support start dying too.
Covid-19 causes organ system damage, to the lungs, heart, brain and nervous system, etc., for some survivors (the so-called long haulers) which for all we know could be permanent. Some percentage of those patients, maybe high, maybe low, will never fully recover. And with so many millions of cases this adds up to long term health complications for a lot of Americans, possibly shortened lifespans, and a sizable increase in health care spending.
You can rehash lies and bullshit as many times as you want. It doesn't become any more true with repetition.
Oh really? I had it and 4 members of my family had it. 100% full recovery and few symptoms. Why? We're all healthy and not fat asses like 40% of the nation is.
Uh ... yeah it is. I don't get my information from QAnon so it's actually quite reliable.
Scientists and engineers built the entire modern world (including computers and the internet), and doctors developed all of modern medicine - whereas politicians and ideologues never built anything but more money and power for themselves. Who to trust? Hmmm, that's a toughie. 🤔
Please, don't be naive. Scientists and engineers hardly agree unanimously all of the time, and they certainly don't regarding covid, nor are they free from political influence. You shouldn't blindly trust anyone, but rather review their information and make a determination for yourself. You're being led by the nose, that's fine, but put your superiority complex to bed, because some people can think for themselves.
Man, take a minute. That reply is like you aren't even making an effort. You might as well as said "orangeman bad". Put the kool aid down, and try, just try, to think for yourself.
That's what amazes me most about the past four or five years. We're not even debating substantive issues anymore. We can't even get that far. We actually have to discuss whether the pandemic ravaging the world really exists. Whether basic safety measures work. We're debating if the election results actually are what they are. We've got people who want to pretend nothing's happening to the climate when it definitely is.
I see absolute nonsense being spread online and it blows my mind. I mean, we have to contend with people who believe in Deep States and cabals of blood drinking Satan worshipping pedophiles. I can't believe I just wrote that last sentence and yet there are idiots so stupid they think that crap is real. There's another poster on this site who said that China deliberately spread coronavirus - in conjunction with the Democrats of course - just to make Donald Trump look bad. And I'm supposed to patronize stupid shit like that? Stuff that would make a hack B movie director cringe?
We can't even begin to engage in real debates anymore. People challenge whether 2 + 2 really equals four, or objects really fall toward the Earth (there could just be a big conspiracy to make us all think that). I have little patience left for this bullshit. There's a difference between being open minded and empty headed, which entirely too many knuckleheads have crossed.
Well, plenty of former intelligence officers confirm that there IS a 'deep state'.
Try googling the hundreds of genuine records of what former Presidents, Army officers, Politicians of all persuasions (UK and US) over the last 200 years have warned about the Fed Res.
And what do you think that Eisenhower (and Truman) warned us about?
No, they're for the humans. Birds can't catch covid-19 as far as we know. 😎
Knock off the drama Mr. Douglass. Throughout history governments have mandated restrictions during pandemics - this isn't the first, and it won't be the last. And those rules have traditionally been enforced. You follow them or go to prison. Urban civilization in 14th century Europe would've collapsed completely otherwise. The next pandemic could easily be far far worse than covid, and we can't afford to coddle the morons who scream about the slightest infringement on their "personal liberty". Especially not with the population density we have now!
I'm sick of hearing from people who compare the requirement to wear a mask in public to fascism. We take precautions for as long as we need to, then stop. The problem with our government under the Big Orange Turd is that the maskholes haven't been cracked down on. When you get the vaccine you can burn your fucking mask - until then, wear it in public!
Personally, I'm surprised we haven't been masking up and socially distancing since before I was born. The world is nasty with germs, people are gross slobs no one wants to be around. This current business better reflects who we are - or at least should be - as a culture.
Am I right?
Well, as for germs and gross people...there’s this thing out there we all have called an immune system...🙄
And no, you’re not right. And no, as a culture we shouldn’t be like what you mentioned. Who the hell would want to live like this their entire lives? Maybe just the people scared of their own shadow.
The last nine months have been the greatest IQ test the world has ever undergone. Most people have failed, judging by the millions of mindless, science-denying sheep walking around in a zombie-like state of self-righteousness with masks on their stupid faces.
I don't get it either. Is a party or get together really worth your life? I see all those American's packing into airports and given how high cases are over there I just have to wonder what the fuck are they thinking?
They're not. The cult of Trump people actually believe the shit he says, they're not faking. Until someone they know personally, a family member or friend (or them) gets severely ill or dies, they simply will not believe this pandemic is real. That's how those scenes you're talking about happen.
Them libtards aint' takin' away my Christmas! No sir-eee! 🤪
Even if you are in decent shape there is still the chance you could suffer ongoing lung complications, mental health issues and it could affect your brain among other things.