MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Graduated 1st in class from Cornell in 1...

Graduated 1st in class from Cornell in 1966

Most of the posters here (including myself) don't have the brains to even GET INTO Cornell.


It's a very hard college to get into indeed!!!


We’re all so impressed.


Yes. I just shat my pants from the great impression I got from this factoid. BRB.


I applied but Corndog U wouldn't take me.


Maybe. Maybe not.

I do KNOW that a dust mask, the ones that people actually wear, will do nothing to combat this virus. You don't need a high IQ to see that. It's very simple.

Why all the licking of his balls, anyway? I don't get it?


Scientist put a simple table cloth between lab rats, one caged with covid19 the other caged separate without, the cages were face to face.

They then placed a fan behind the covid 19 rat that blows to the direction of the unaffected lab rat.

This was done on hundreds of lab rats.

They found simple cloth mitigated the spread of the virus 75% to the unaffected lab rat.

This story was in The Economist a few months back (forgot the exact date).


And he's been in a government job for 40 years. He doesn't practice medicine, nobody knows when the last time he actually gave someone an examination. He flips and flops all of his opinions like a plastic bag blowing in the wind.

Working in the same bureaucracy for all these decades, with no real accomplishments other than graduating college, is the equivalent of being a P.E. Teacher in a public high school.


I would love to interview Fauci and ask him how much he knows about coronavirus and if he worked with any coronavirus patients. I bet he would have nothing to say about it. In reality, I’m willing to bet that he knows nothing about this disease.


I'm sure one of the nation's leading experts on infectious disease knows nothing about the subject. 🤪

Yeah, you know what we should do? Listen to right wing conservatives instead. People with no knowledge whatsoever who can yell and scream. Let's bow down to the Lord God Trump and follow his advice, he's the one who knows all about coronavirus! We should all drink Clorox and shine light through our bodies to cure it.

You people are such sheep. All hail Lord Trump!


Honestly, have you heard of Fauci dealing and working with COVID patients or working with scientists to learn more about the disease? I haven't. Fauci first said to not wear masks because they do nothing for you then he preaches to everybody to wear the masks. He changed his mind several times about this disease so, what are we suppose to believe? This is a man who hasn't practiced medicine in over 20 years; shouldn't we be listening to someone a little more reliable????


First of all, masks do help - saying they don't a million times won't magically transform bullshit into the truth. Early on there was a massive shortage of masks and other PPE. The recommendation at that time, when the virus still wasn't widespread in the community, was to save limited stocks of masks (N95 in particular) for health care workers who needed them. Rather than have everyone buying them up and leaving hospitals with almost none. Between steadily increasing supply and data coming in on how covid-19 spreads, recommendations changed. That's how science works. They don't stake out a position and stubbornly refuse to change it no matter what - the way politicians often do, and tout as "strength".

Secondly, if you want to know about Fauci's career Google it. Among other things he was on the front lines of treating ebola patients in 2014. When other doctors were hesitant, he put on protective gear and went in to administer care to sick people himself. Leading by example. Something the Big Orange Turd is utterly incapable of. He wouldn't take on personal risk to benefit anyone other than himself.

You need to stop getting your news from the right wing media wackosphere. Fox used to be real news at one time, it's not anymore, it's a propaganda channel. They give airtime to "stories" that literally don't have an ounce of truth to them. Opinionated hosts you can ignore, as long as the news items they're reporting on are the truth. Once they start lying straight up ... can't trust that outlet anymore.


You’re right. I don’t trust the media either.


And I'll be he has an illiterate license plate frame on his car that says "Cornell Alumni". Credentialism is bait for fools.


I disagree, some high, very driven achievers in Cornell.

To out achieve a class of them is impressive.
