Because of him

I started watching Glee. I would not do it for my friends who all exclaimed that I would love it. I would not do it to be a part of a fad. I would not do it because people thought it was "my thing." I watched Glee because Harry Freaking Potter was gonna be on it. :)


Same here! I mean he's Harry FREAKING Potter, annd he's supermegafoxyawesomehot!

I love AVPM and AVPS lol

Oh, you didn't read the books? I'm sorry but, you don't count.


Hahaha I was SO gonna say he's supermegafoxyawesomehot... and for some reason I changed my mind. Hahaha So I'm glad you said it. Cuz it's crazy true. :D

Team Bella...trix


Same with me, he's the best part of the show. Sidenote: on Monday, 3/7 he was on Regis and Kelly, and they asked him about Starkid, and he was saying how they became a hit on youtube, and the audience was totally silent! How can there not have been at least one Starkid fan in the audience?! If I were there I would not have been able to contain my applause.


Yay, I'm not the only one! :D


He's overrated.


well, you obviously haven't seen AVPM.
haters gon' hate ;)


Same for me! I had caught an episode here and there, mostly for the Kurt story lines...I find 99% of the rest of the cast absolutely unlikable. But when I heard HE was going to be on, I made it a point to catch up and start watching. Lucky for me, he is also part of the Kurt storyline (can I get a Hallelujah for last week's ep, finally?!)

I miss the hair :-( But he's the perfect addition!

Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?


AHH me too:) haha I had heard of Glee, but was annoyed with all the popular girls at my school obsessing over it! I had been a HUGE starkid fan for a long time and when I found out Darren was on it I flipped:) Now I really like the show!
