MovieChat Forums > Taylor Kitsch Discussion > Why is he not yet a star?

Why is he not yet a star?

Anyone know?


john carter


John Carter may not have made money, but it was received well enough by the people who saw it. More than that, he's also been in a lot of stuff since then.

I think he's a very good actor with a lot of charisma. A bit of an unsung talent, really. He deserves more credit than he gets.


i agree.....
but john carter was still a big bomb


It was, but I don't think that John Carter is the reason he's not a star.

Moviegoers aren't saying to themselves, "Taylor Kitsch? Wasn't he in John Carter? Nah, I'm not going to like him because that movie lost money for Disney."


but they are saying "who's taylor kitsch?"
john carter was supposed to make that an invalid question


He’s a dime a dozen.


Not really, no. I don't think most actors of his generation have the same screen presence and charisma.

The guy is very talented but he unfortunately often lands in films and shows that don't get a lot of appreciation, like Battleship and True Detective S2. He needs an acclaimed show that makes a big cultural splash.


I don't get much charisma from him. I liked FNL a lot, but it was probably a variation on 90210. And at some point, you have to make your own luck. Unfortunately I haven't seen any True Detective but it sounds like it should have been a good platform to distinguish himself. Guys like Gosling and Reynolds and Leavitt have shown they can take on a lot of different roles convincingly, and I don't think TK has been able to accomplish this. Maybe Chris Pratt and Channing Tatum have been a little more lucky, idk. And Chris Pine has done better for himself as well.


What films or shows have you seen with him beyond Friday Night Lights?


I watched quite a bit of John Carter and maybe the beginning of Battleship. I follow a lot of actors here and through their reputations. I haven't seen a whole bunch of Pratt and Tatum stuff because they don't seem to make things i want to watch, but I see their names a lot. I don't want TK to NOT succeed but I don't find he pops off the screen like Brad Pitt does.


Sounds like you have a habit of starting movies and not finishing them. Just an observation.

But you've seen part of John Carter, I'll mention that I think he does a great job in that film and has a lot of screen presence.

You say he doesn't pop off the screen like Brad does, but how many actors really do? Not many. That's why guys like Brad become superstars. But I would say that Taylor has more charisma than many of his peers. He certainly seems to have more than someone like Sam Worthington, and I say that as someone who actually thinks that Sam Worthington is all right.

If you want to see one his better performances, you might want to check out Paramount's mini-series Waco. Here's a trailer:


I don't mind your observation, but may I add you seem to make assertions based on very little evidence. I wasn't particularly interested in either of these films but because they were on, I gave them a shot. I may not watch all of Hombre, which is on now, but I have watched it all the way through and it's an excellent film. If TK is good in Waco, that's good to hear. Certainly an interesting episode in recent history.
I agree it's not fair to compare him to Pitt, but that's exactly my point. Some guys have charisma and some don't. TK is handsome, for sure.


Because he’s a charisma void.


I’ve only seen him in Savages and True Detective, I thought he was pretty bland and one note in Savages, he fared a little bit better in True Detective because he had a more interesting character but was still lacking something, both roles could have been done much better by many other actors.


Never recovered after Battleship and he lacks the talent to do so.


casting couch
