MovieChat Forums > Janelle Monáe Discussion > She's a breath of fresh air!

She's a breath of fresh air!

She manages to be completely fresh and exciting while also making me wonder to which artist might she be a successor: Grace Jones, James Brown, or Michael Jackson? Legends all, as she will surely be if she stays on this road; the spirit of each can be seen and heard in her performances, yet it's mere dazzle on the surface of her obviously very deep well of originality and talent. She needs to be a household name right now!


yes I agree, I just discovered her, and I wonder how come I've never heard of her before...I watched a few videos on youtube and she is so good live it's incredible!



Happy birthday!


She certainly is. Before I listened to her music and looked her up I thought she was just one of these run-of-mill R&B singers but boy was I was wrong, she is so much more. She is very talented and I give props to her producers also b/c they take risks with the music and step out of the box which I like. A breath of fresh air indeed.


I just caught her Glastonbury performance on Palladia Channel and was impressed immensely. She seamlessly celebrates the music that has influenced her without coming off as a cheap rendition of those influences, which is what I see in so much music in ALL GENRES. I also like her music which is a lot more original than GaGaah, Key$hit, or Nikki Mirage.



She writes and produces her own music and makes her own videos, I believe, which is why they come off as so unique--looking. Check out the vid of her latest new single with Erykah Badu.


"She seamlessly celebrates the music that has influenced her without coming off as a cheap rendition of those influences, which is what I see in so much music in ALL GENRES."

That's exactly why I like her! You nailed it!


Yes is talented and unique without tying to hard.


Disagree, all hype.
