Meh. What's The Law and what was just ancient Hebrew tribal custom? I'm neither circumcised nor do I eat kosher. Nowhere in the NT do they advocate killing "Kids/Babies".
I'm an atheist. But I know the Bible and I'm just referring to the theology. Also Jesus and God the Father are not the same being. It's more complicated if you get into the Trinity.
I'm just saying Jesus is not liable for Hebrew tribal custom. And those verses from the NT say nothing about killing babies: Mark 7:9 & Matthew 19:29
"I'm an atheist. But I know the Bible and I'm just referring to the theology. Also Jesus and God the Father are not the same being. It's more complicated if you get into the Trinity.
depends on your denomination. another flaw in religion
the fact that they dont all agree with the trinity.
"Why are denominations a flaw? Do you expect there to be one church and anything else is heresy?"
of course. The word of god should be absolute right? hes the ultimate authority and never wrong. yet there's over 1000 denominations who all disagree from the mundane to the fundamental and foundational.
they cant all be right. but they can all be wrong.
im just saying for a "loving god": who wants us to know him and live by his word. he sure hasn't been clear and spread a lot of confusion
Well the Trinity is found nowhere in the Bible. It was invented by the church in Rome and anyone who disagreed was persecuted as a heretic. So for centuries in Europe you had your dream of one church without any room for disagreement.
Do you believe all Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists should join this one Christian church as well?
That's the beauty of freedom. We can all worship or not worship as we see fit.
a lot isnt found in the bible. you can literally find anything you want to support you. and when you do find a passage, others say no!!! thats allegory! its a metaphor! you need hermeneutics.
I wouldn't say my dream, im an a-theist in the vein of Dawkins, Hitchens and Dillahunty
I think all religious people are equally delusional. its damaging and religious people will read the same passage, and each argue it supports their completely dichotomous view.
I disagree there. There is beauty in religion. I'm an atheist but I do not like or trust doctrinaire atheism. It can be as bad as religion.
I wouldn't say a Hindu or Buddhist pantheist is delusional. He does not believe in an anthropomorphic god and he accepts the universe as a holistic system. Yet his belief is no more provable than any Christian denomination's.
So is Hitchens right or is the Dalai Lama right? I agree with both that there is no Sky Fairy. But they both offer very different views of the universe.
So can you say a doctrinaire atheist like Hitchens doesn't have the same bias as a denominational Christian? There are atheist "denominations" as well.
And yet you don't seem to realize that you're showing the same denominational disrespect for other atheists that Catholics do for Baptists.
There are many different atheist doctrines. As I noted, Hitchens' theories are very different than those of a Hindu atheist or a Buddhist atheist. And you're ignorant if you don't realize there are atheistic Buddhists and Hindu atheists.
Most pantheists are atheists and reject the idea of a creator god. They certainly don't anthropomorphize "god" or even accept the existence of a g-o-d. You have no objective proof that they are delusional.
Typical bullshit apologetics. Please explain how you divorce Jesus([g]od) from what [g]od "said" in the the Old Testament? In opposition to the laws of logic, supposedly Jesus IS god and it exposes the fallacy of Christianity that your ilk always attempt to dismiss the OT.
Pffffft. I look at Christianity the way I look at ancient Greek religion or Hinduism or Voodoo. I love the theology. We can discuss it without your childhood traumas getting in the way.
childhood trauma? I had a great experience going to catholic schools. they taught all the best parts left out the bad parts. id send my kid to one if I had one.
wtf are you talking about?
maybe dont say such dumb shit defending the bible then when you are wrong.
So that's your problem. You were raised in the bullshit and react personally to it. My family wasn't religious and I was raised to think on my own. You take it too personal. It's just a religious philosophy i.e. theology. I can analyze it rationally. You're too heavily invested.
You're gonna send your kid to go to a school and learn to worship the "sky daddy"? Shove a dildo up your ass, troll. I don't have time for your nonsense.
YOU "Exactly. Most of those are old Hebrew law which Jesus came to reform. He threw out all of that.
ME -Matthew 5:17 (“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them
you -"Meh. What's The Law and what was just ancient Hebrew tribal custom? I'm neither circumcised nor do I eat kosher. Nowhere in the NT do they advocate killing "Kids/Babies"."
again that wasnt the argument. im the only one thinking logically. you are talking about child rape. you need help loser. you got exposed and you are having a fit