Jesus Christ was and is White
Because white is the color of beauty, purity, and virtue.
share1 Samuel 16:7 " But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Nice troll though.
shareHe was a Semitic jew
shareSemitic Jews were just one of the Arabic tribes running around in that area in those times. So the original Jews ( not the Ashkenazi Jews ) were Arabs.
Okay we are both incorrect, there were no Jews or Arabs in the year Zero. The Jews were their descendants, at the time they were called Israelites. And the Arabs were originally random Bedouin tribes.
shareThe thought is that the Israelites were rebranded Canaanites.
Many leading archaeologists, including Israeli archaeologists, support this latest theory and when you think about it enough, it makes total sense.
There are many progenitor stories from various cultures that feature one man or some cases a couple of brothers (Remus and Romulus) as being the forebearers of an entire culture but when you dig deeper the story is usually more tame and uneventful. Even the story of Moses and the Israeli slaves in Egypt may have an origin story that precedes Judaism but it was later adapted into the Torah.
You are probably right. The latest archaeological evidence suggests that there was no Biblical conquest but instead a new religion based culture appeared in Canaan. For some time the cultures coexisted and then one absorbed the other. I presume there was some blood and slaughter but nothing like in the myths\Torah.
shareThere certainly were.
Jews were Jews and Arabs were Arabs.
However apart from the Nabateans (modern Jordan) and nomad Bedouin clans (all over the region) there weren't any Arabs in the neighborhood at the time.
If Jesus existed historically, he wouldn’t have been referred to as a Jew at the time, but as a Galilean or Israelite. The idea of being a Jew or Jewish only came about in the fourth century AD.
shareJust a few decades later Flavius Josephus wrote "The Jewish War" and "Antiquities of the Jews" and he most certainly called his people "Jews".
So Jesus was a Jew and a Galilean because he (supposedly) lived in Galilee under the rule of Herod Antipas.
It was called "The Judean War." Jews were referred to as Judeans at the time. The idea of being "Jewish" only came about centuries later.
shareYou might wanna check the original Greek name of the book or it's Latin translation.
shareI advise you the same.
shareI know it's comforting for those who aim to edit Jews out of history to pretend that Jew and Judea come from the same word but that's not the case as is evident from Eastern languages and history.
Judea is Yudah and named after one of the tribes of Israel. It's a place, and occasionally a country.
It was populated by Jews - Yehudi in Hebrew, Yahud in Arabic. The similarities are purely phonetic.
When the region was part of the Persian Empire it was call Yahud Medinata - land of the Jews.
When Judea regained independence and was ruled by the Hashmonean basileis it was very much a Jewish kingdom despite its elite's Hellenization and promoted Jewish (religious) nationalism.
No one is trying to “edit Jews out of history.” If anything it’s being historically accurate. The proper translation of “Ioudaios” is not Jew but Judean. Most leading scholars agree that referring to Jesus as a Jew is anachronistically ascribing him according to 5th and 6th Century rabbinic views of the Babylonian Talmud. Even then, members of the House of Israel referred to each other as “Israelites.” Calling them Jews is simply historically incorrect.
shareThe scholars , as they say, are divided. However if you are in need of a material proof look at the Hashmonean coins (predating Jesus by a few generations) some of which had both : king of Judea and (a member) council of the Jews.
shareIn reality Jesus Christ (if he truly lived) he was not white. He was a Jew from Palestine.
shareThe reason that people have darker skin is because they come from very sunny areas and developed darker skin to protect from sun damage, what color skin do you think they would have developed to live in a North African desert region?
shareSemites or Semitic people were an ethnic/racial group that speak Semitic languages. Hebrew and Aramaic for example.
Arabs were tribal people that go back to 900 BC occupying parts of Arabia. Now it refers to people speaking Arabic.
There is no Palestine. There was a Palestine Mandate north of TransJordan.
Jews originated as an ethnic and religious group in the Middle East during the second millennium BCE,[9] in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel.[22] The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE (Late Bronze Age).[23][24] The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population,[25] consolidated their hold with the emergence of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'.[26] Though few sources mention the exilic periods in detail,[27] the experience of diaspora life, from the Babylonian captivity and exile to the Roman occupation and exile, and the historical relations between Jews and their homeland thereafter, became a major feature of Jewish history, identity and memory.[28]
Interesting, but the point is they are Caucasians, which is white.
shareMiddle eastern to be more specific. White is too broad a definition.
shareNope, includes India and N Africa!
In biological anthropology, Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, without regard to skin tone.[8] Ancient and modern "Caucasoid" populations were thus not exclusively "white," but ranged in complexion from white-skinned to dark brown.[9
There certainly is Palestine. It's a geographical area as described by Herodotus.
Most modern Israelis as well people of Jordan, Southern Syria and Southern Lebanon are "palestinians". He was an Israelite. The "white" aspect is a misunderstanding caused by ethnocentric Renaissance and Victorian painters who portrayed Jesus with light skin and/or blond hair and blue eyes; which is totally wrong in how he would have actually looked.
The Bible doesn't say that he was super-handsome or super-ugly, suggesting that he had a very average face. (Trust me, people noticed such things in ancient times and would have written down that aspect of him).
I always thought he probably had olivine or light-brown skin (very common around the Mediterranean, even today), a long straight nose, brown or dark brown hair, and probably brown eyes, like many Israelites who lived in the area at the time. He probably was not super tall or short either, because that would have been noted in the Bible as well, and it wasn't; meaning he was of average height for Jewish men living in the area at the time.
So don't be fooled by paintings; do some research beforehand.
Even if you believe he was real (very likely not), he was very likely a short balding fat brown-skinned person with likely black hair.
Think Danny Devito minus the glasses and that's very likely what Jesus looked like. His real name was not even Jesus and Christ is just a title name given by the Greeks.
Yeshua (or some variant) is likely what he would've been called. He was a man who ate, pooped, farted, had sex and drank wine and other drinks and obeyed people and others listened to him etc. In other words, he was like any other human alive then.
Chances are someone was crucified every other day and the resistance had enough and used the cross as their secret symbol. It's likely the cross existed even before some important person was crucified and either they used him as rallying figure to rebel against the Romans and scattered off as Romans chased them. They spread word of this man who got crucified and was a great man in their recruiting efforts.
Over time, they managed to send the Romans packing. Given they were really very small and insignificant, it was like say Guatemala defeating the US in some war. David vs Goliath.
This was no ordinary feat. It was extraordinary. And extraordinary feats require extraordinary people. Over time, this meant, the legend of some guy who got crucified became extraordinary and him being an ordinary human who got crucified wouldn't do and it got embellished into becoming god himself. They needed a name and some backstory of divinity to complete out the story which was done in the Bible written by 40 authors over 400 years.
Yeshua became Jesus the Messiah and Jesus the Christos and then Jesus Christ as Christianity spread. They didn't really have pictures of him till the Scandinavians picked up Christianity and they drew Jesus Christ in their image as a tall, blue eyed, blonde, athletic Scandinavian. This picture spread far and wide and is the Jesus Christ of today.
Take a time machine or logic.have your mind opened.
"Over time, they managed to send the Romans packing. "
They did? When?