MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Indians Discussion > Cleveland Indians 'will drop its team na...

Cleveland Indians 'will drop its team name'


PC Culture strikes again


What's your point? Cultural appropriation should be ignored? Applauded and admired?


They are taking away the last Indian repersentation in sport.


If you're taking votes, I vote ignored.


Before this insanity that struck America I had seen many many interviews where Native Americas were asked directly about sports teams names and exactly ZERO of them had a negative comment. This is all from the Communist revolution in America. They don't give one little flying fuck about the Indians, Braves, Reds, etc. They just want destruction.


They already got rid of the pretty Land 'o Lakes girl and now this. I guess Native Americans don't get to be on anything anymore. Do they still have those notepads with the chief on the cover? This was back in the 80s when I was a kid.


It should be the "Cleveland Goodteeth" so that way that don't have to change their logo.


Absolutely disgusting! After 105 years! That’s so wrong to cave to this. I wish ONE person would stand up and tell these offended people to shove it up their asses.

The offended spineless dipshits win again. I wonder when and if this will ever stop, because people today are offended by everything! Even things like the sun rising and people breathing offends them.

Pretty soon the movie Major League will be banned by these progressive fascists.


If Native Americans find it offensive, then it's offensive. So much has been taken from them in the very recent past, it's only right to apologize and make some trivial amends like dropping names that don't agree with today's sensibilities.
Personally, I like the Indians name and I like Chief Wahoo, but if others find it distasteful, I have many other more important fights to pick without being concerned over this one.


YOU were the people bitching about the name in the first place! Quit saying it isn’t a big deal when white liberal assholes like yourself have been bitching about changing sports teams names for years and years, and then when they finally change it after all your bitching, you then say to everyone who thinks this is ridiculous “there are much more important fights to pick”??? YOU were the ones whining for decades about this pointless shit until you got your way! Like toddlers do!

I bet if you polled Native Americans in this country they wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if the team is named The Indians or not.

It’s this sick demented segment of society of white liberal SJW’s constantly bitching and destroying any traditions and any history we have left in this country. They want to abolish holidays. They want to ban movies, team names, and even pancake syrup for Christ’s sake!

When the hell are people going to wake up and start telling these morons where they can shove it! Do they fear being called a racist that much??? That’s all these white liberal woke assholes do is call everyone else racist! It’s rarely warranted. It means nothing. People need to start standing up to them or team names will finally just become numbers. “Today, team #6 will be playing team #14 for the championship.”

The funny thing is, these white guilt liberals are basically erasing all of these marginalized groups from our culture in their pathetic attempt to “save” them.

I’m disgusted beyond belief at what society has become. A bunch of spineless offended twats. It’s the “participation trophy” society on steroids.

Yeah, you go fight your more important battles, like taking Tony the Tiger off of Frosted Flakes because it’s offensive to Tigers. You people are out of your gourds.


I don't think the replacement name "The Cleveland Heathen Savages" is going to go over any better.


they were called the cleveland infants in 1890. they absolutely should go with that.


This is getting ridiculous. I'd bet if you check you'll discover Native Americans aren't even offended by the team, just the self appointed PC Police.


Yeah, I'm sure you're WRONG about that. You just want to throw a Hate Covers All blanket on whatever doesn't agree with you. There are no self appointed PC police other than in your own hate filled mind.


As someone who lives in a city who just stopped using the name Eskimos for our football team I can tell you that a fair number of indigenous people came forward and they were offended by it. There were others who said that we weren't, but quite a few were.


In 1901 they were called the "Bluebirds," which was often shortened to "Blues." Why not call them the Blue Sox to go along with the Red Sox and White Sox? Red, White and Blue sounds appropriate for America's traditional pastime.


I wasn't aware hundreds of thousands of Indians/Native Americans were up in arms over this.
I'm not sure if this was actually done because Indians were really upset over the "Indians" as a sports team or if this is just virtue signaling busy bodies who always pick these stupid non issues to stake the testimony to life to.

200 year old statues
sports logos

If these are your worries with all of the real evil and injustice in the world....your moral compass is broke.


I know lots of Native Americans and none were concerned with a team being named the Indians. The only ones that had any concern over them were of the ridiculous logo that looks was pretty stupid as I can think of no tribe in North America that actually had red skin or a roman nose. It looks more like one of the typical indians you saw in an old western movie from the 40's or 50's when Hollywood used Italians to play the parts of indians because they were easier to find where they were making the movies.

I suspect if the team had simply changed the logo then no one would have even cared about the name. The word indian has none of the racist connotations that redskin has, I can understand the anger of calling a team redskins.
