loathsome man

I had only seen him as a judge on a singing show, so had no real opinion of him. Didn't even know he was in a rock band. So when he was announced for the Super Bowl, I looked
him up on IMDb. Here is one of this despicable man's personal quotes:

"[on his former girlfriend (deleted her name)] "She wouldn't make any noise during sex. I can't tell you how disappointed I was. I really thought, like a lot of guys, that she'd be the loud screaming type. But instead, she just lay there like a dead frog. She even got angry if I started to moan, said it "ruined her concentration". It was so disillusioning that I went on Paxil (an antidepressant) for a month afterwards. Really, it was much more of a shock than when I found out there's no such thing as the Easter Bunny."

What a pig!


hahahahaa i always knew this dude was a total fucking homo just from the looks of him with his poser ass tattoos and all. he cant satisfy his girl cuz he isnt a real man so instead of work on himself and trying to become a real man he does what any bitch boy beta male would do and ask a doctor for some ssri like a teenage girl?!?? your supposed to be a rockstar lmfao, do some cocaine like a real man if ur deeply depressed.... this dude is a joke and a planted media shill anyways, fake ass music engineered in the lab to send subtle propaganda thru the airwaves. u cant trust a thing he fucking says. this fuckin sellout probably never even took that fucking Paxil bullshit just got big ass bribe to name drop that shit so his sad sheeple fanbase would subscribe to that poison dreamkilling shit


So, not a fan then?


naw i dont even consider him a real musician. he is just part of the small hat club so he got a free access to the airwaves and we are all stuck dealing with it. just like drake his momma fucked the right goldstein or silverstein and now we must all suffer thru his shit ass music


Stop using homo as an insult.


I hope he keeps it up, just to keep the Rainbow Reich triggered.



Being homo is not a choice, being douche is. πŸ˜‰


Both are choices, since there is no gay gene just like there is no douche gene:


Let me guess - you're American...


(there's no hetero gene either dumbo)


You're actually right about that.


I guess he has a small dick.


That girl you deleted is Anna Kournikova who has since been with and eventually married Enrique "Pelon" Iglesias


He suffers from ADHD so rudeness disguised as impulsivity is a thing for him.


If he had ADHD how did he become so famous?


With the meds and a good psychotherapy I guess anyone can be functional.


Have you seen what passes for celebrities these days? Acting ridiculous in front of a camera is what is in on social media, so that condition is probably a boon
