she is super hot but her fake tit job is wack as fuck! she looks way better with clothing on then naked. boob jobs mostly are not worth it unless u have a boys chest to begin with. better to have natural b cups than fake double d's in my book. naked she looks like a cheap drug addicted hooker
what is with this new simp word?!? i am only 25 but feel like an old boomer everytime i hear people use that word. it is probably the most popular word this year but i am still feeling like a retard for not understanding it. isnt simp mean putting a women on pedestal? i just called this women looks like a drug addicted cheap prostitute how is that simping? i am just giving some good advice to all women out there. love ur titties. unless they are super wack and fucked up to begin with dont be getting fake ones just cuz the media and fake news is selling it
Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them. Translation? The word simp is meant to troll young men for doing anything for a girl to get some action he supposedly deserves.
okay yeah thats what i thought. what i dont understand is how is calling out her horrible tit job make me a simp? if anything i am a misogynist or something but even that isnt a great definition. either way the word is overused and i dont like hearing it all the time
Because this forum has several persons that get their thrills and enjoyment with "namecalling", throwing "labels", and "titles" at others since it is the only way they know how to communicate.
The one above you was more of a simp. I didn’t read your first comment in full. I don’t think she has been naked and her breasts seem natural in the bikini photos I found. The problem is not her supposed implants, but that she’s pathologically lying, abusive, gold-digging and a substance abuser. Still, there are men who will excuse all of this simply because of lookism. It’s insane and I think it almost makes them worse than her.
i remember when the fapping happened and that dude hacked all of those actresses phone and leaked nudes she was one of them i thought. may be wrong tho it was years ago when i thought i saw her tits. i was not impressed it tho they were a bad job. it might have been another actress tho i am getting confused with