MovieChat Forums > Luigi Mangione Discussion > What is up with the people who are fans ...

What is up with the people who are fans of this guy?

Do the girls think this fuzzball is cute? Do the guys think he's some folk hero?

The retard is so stupid he doesn't know that it was his doctor that put those screws in his back, not some CEO. They want to do the same thing to me, but I won't let them. Why? I did research. They fail 70% of the time from the start, and 100% of the time eventually. It wasn't the CEO's fault.


That guy was not some outside hired CEO, he was with the company for about 20 years.

He rose through ranks, so I would say he was definitely responsible for the behavior of UnitedHealthcare. Not 100%, but a major contributor.


I've had both government and private insurance in my lifetime. It's the doctors who push the operations. Now, the insurance companies will often say that first the person has to have an ultrasound vs an X-ray or whatever. But trust me, they're happy to pay for those cages and screws, and those doctors get rich off the operations.


I have 3 words for you: Deny, Defend and Depose.

Did doctors use them?


Did doctors use what? The cages and screws? They show them off in their offices. They sometimes pressure patients to get the operations. I've talked to nurses who've dealt with the patients who are lying in bed, crying -- as one does with nerve pain -- saying it all happened so fast, and they didn't know it would be like this.

And, as with every procedure done with government or private insurance, the doctors are paid primarily by the insurance companies, and wind up with mansions, boats, cars and expensive vacations. Not on the Obama scale, but clearly, they aren't hurting from pressuring patients into operations and not quite telling them all of the truth.

But I watched Mangione move his legs and back. Princess is doing quite well. He felt his back could even take some roughing up by the police as they slammed him into a wall. Princess doesn't even walk with a cane, let alone a walker. Princess will have a hard time getting off if Princess faces a jury with just one person with a back like mine. If Princess even LIMPED, I might have had some sympathy for him. But Princess didn't.


I am not arguing with you, as long as there is private medicine this will happen, it can not be stopped.

What can be stopped is health insurance companies taking advantage of little people, determine a client's future worth less than what they are paying out now, just refuse to pay, hoping the patient can not make it, not to the court anyway.

That is just way worse.


There are insurance companies which are trying to get people to kill themselves. There are insurance companies that say this child or that isn't worth our money. They now do it with old people, put them on morphine and cease treating their conditions.

None of that was applicable to Mangione, so I don't understand why he developed this unreasoning hatred of insurance company CEOs. We get to see the screws in his back, as if that explained things. Supposedly he complained of back and neck pain. That doesn't have anything to do with an insurance company CEO. That was my point.


I don't think it is personal revenge, I think it was more vigilantism.

He probably think he is a punisher of some sort.

It is the people who are at the top responsible, it is not the low level staff.


Must be, because he doesn't seem to have any connection to this guy. We may find out he does, or people like him, later. Maybe that insurance company gave up on his grandma. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Without knowing the details, I dont get either side of this.

The left thinking killing a rich guy alone will save the world. Was this rich guy CEO in one of the most corrupt and evil part of USA today? Yes. He was indiriectly responsible for many a hard life for sick and weak people. But killing him is not good.

Then we have the right. Often boomer right, higher middle class, crying over a billionaire experiencing what most of us can experience. Being shot by a mentally unstable person.

You in the USA have serious problems. One being free guns to a mentally unstable people. You want free guns, and low mental health care. Then things like this happen. Or the endless waves of school shootings.

You guys have so many problems you dont want to deal with. So you cry for billionairs and start new wars instead.


He didn't get the gun legally, so the anti-gun argument doesn't apply.

We're getting rid of the President who was all about new wars or expanding old ones. We elected the President who's all about ending wars and not starting new ones.

Thugs want free guns. People who obey the law don't want to steal their guns, which is the only way they're "free." Conservatives realize we need to return to state mental hospitals. Opening them up and letting the people out just created a homelessness problem -- people trying to self-medicate on the street, often committing crimes.

I don't know where you come from, but you know almost nothing about America, Americans, or even boomers.


"We're getting rid of the President who was all about new wars or expanding old ones. We elected the President who's all about ending wars and not starting new ones."

I pray your right.

"Conservatives realize we need to return to state mental hospitals. Opening them up and letting the people out just created a homelessness problem"

I heard (from liberal norwegian media though) that it was Ronald Regan who closed them.

"I don't know where you come from, but you know almost nothing about America, Americans, or even boomers."

I do. I have just another perspectiv than you. If you dont mind fact checking: Was it Ronald Regan who did what he did? If I am right, please go down a peg on your smugness.

I dont live in the USA. My knowledge of your country is from the distance. That makes my perspectiv different. There is an expression "Not seing the wood for all the threes." One can become blind from everyday life and then someone from the outside my see what was always there.

Not saying real life knowledge and experience DOESNT matter, Of course its important, but its just that my perspective may have some value to, although not directly based on everyday US life.


From Grok:Reasons for Deinstitutionalization:

Public Criticism and Scandals: The conditions in many state psychiatric hospitals were exposed as inhumane through various exposés and reports, leading to a push for reform. Investigations and publications like those in Life Magazine in 1946 and books like "The Shame of the States" highlighted the poor treatment and overcrowding in these institutions, fostering public and professional support for change.

New Medications: The introduction of antipsychotic drugs like chlorpromazine (Thorazine) in the 1950s suggested that some mental illnesses could be managed outside of institutional settings, reducing the perceived need for long-term hospitalization.

Economic Considerations: Deinstitutionalization was partly motivated by cost-saving measures. The transition from state-funded large institutions to community-based care was seen as a way to reduce state expenditure on mental health.

Civil Rights and Legal Changes: Legal rulings and advocacy for patients' rights played a significant role. Cases like Lake v. Cameron and O'Connor v. Donaldson established legal precedents that made involuntary commitment more difficult, emphasizing treatment in the "least restrictive environment".

Legislative Changes: The Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963, signed by President John F. Kennedy, was pivotal. It aimed to shift care from large institutions to community health centers, although the actual implementation fell short due to insufficient funding and planning.

When Did It Happen?

1950s-1960s: The movement towards deinstitutionalization began in earnest during this period, with the peak number of patients in public mental hospitals at around 559,000 in 1955. The decline was facilitated by new drugs and changing attitudes towards mental health care.

1963: The Community Mental Health Act was signed into law, marking a significant legislative push towards community-based care....


1970s-1980s: This period saw a more rapid emptying of mental hospitals, influenced by further legislative and policy actions. In California, Governor Ronald Reagan's administration in the late 1960s and early 1970s made significant cuts to mental health funding, accelerating deinstitutionalization although the process was already underway.

1981: President Reagan's Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act further reduced federal support for community mental health centers, shifting more responsibility back to the states and exacerbating the move away from state-run institutions.

The deinstitutionalization process was complex and gradual, with unintended consequences like increased homelessness among the mentally ill and a shift of care responsibilities to jails and prisons, which were not equipped to handle psychiatric needs. This transformation in mental health care policy has been widely debated and critiqued for its execution and outcomes.
"If you dont mind fact checking: Was it Ronald Regan who did what he did? If I am right, please go down a peg on your smugness." As you can see, Reagan played a part, Kennedy played a part, lots of things played a part. To narrow it down to just one person is simplistic.

I understand that different perspectives can be important, but it's also true that, say, however much I might know about the NHS, I really don't understand the mindset that got the people to vote it in. I'm forced to be on Medicare in this country. I couldn't keep my old insurance, which was quite good. Yes, this is cheaper, but it's also second rate. People shouldn't be forced off insurance and forced to be on Medicare if they don't want it. Or we can have Medicare as a secondary insurance. But people shouldn't be placed in the position of having no choice. I obviously can't fathom why a country would vote something like that in.
Sometimes the different perspective makes it impossible to understand the situation.


Destinata: You're right about the need to "return to mental hospitals again". Would not have helped in this case, but it would make a world of difference in society.

Political Correctness (leftism) pushes "inclusion", equality-for-all, participation trophies, women in Men's sports, never hurting anyone's feelings, and never admitting that someone was just born "different" or "inferior".

It's BS.

You're right; Closing mental hospitals because "they deserve to be treated like everyone else" is BS. It's sad, but some people just don't play well with others. It's greatly contributed to the homeless and drug problem in America.


The left thinking killing a rich guy alone will save the world.

No, they don't think that. Can you even find a CNN article praising this guy? The left is backed by billionaires too.

Was this rich guy CEO in one of the most corrupt and evil part of USA today? Yes. He was indiriectly responsible for many a hard life for sick and weak people. But killing him is not good.

True, but what else can be done about this? Neither left nor right is going to fix this.

Having you watched "Sicko"? That is a 2007 documentary, 20 years later, anything happened?

This guy at least is trying something, telling the elites average people are not just lamb to be slaughtered, they bleed too.


Agreed. This medical insurance situation has reached a boil, and how do people expect these things to play out if the law doesn't step in? This is what people do.


"No, they don't think that. Can you even find a CNN article praising this guy?"

Its not based on MSN, its based on SoMe expressions.

"The left is backed by billionaires too."

I am getting tired of the left/right dichotomy. Lets leave the right/Left way of thinking and move to right / wrong!

its wrong for instance for insurance companies to remove second does of pain relief during surgery (real life intended insurance change in 2024). Its MORALLY wrong. Beyond "socialism/ capitalism".

"True, but what else can be done about this? Neither left nor right is going to fix this."

So many things could have been done.

"This guy at least is trying something, telling the elites average people are not just lamb to be slaughtered, they bleed too."

Why would all of these problems manifest in murdering ONE person? How can all blame be put into him alone?


What's up with people who turned George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse into some kind of heroes?


Rittenhouse was being chased by people who were trying to kill him. Although just a kid, he showed remarkable trigger control. Watch the entire video. There's a reason he was found not guilty.

Zimmerman, on the other hand was not there helping guard a friend's business so it wouldn't be burned to the ground. As I recall, he was a self-appointed neighborhood watch person.

You're avoiding the question about these sickos like AOC who says she doesn't condone violence, BUT.... When people qualify their stand against senseless violence, they need to remember that someone out there might think that just anybody might be the exception to the rule. Feel "pushed too far" as Sen. Warren said? Who cares if the person who makes you feel pushed too far is a progressive! You're justified if you feel "pushed too far." Just get out that gun we progressives usually say we hate and take the law into your own hands! O, if we only had something like the NHS! Then people's grandmothers could lay on frozen sidewalks for 15 hours waiting for an ambulance, thankful that they had universal healthcare! Once in the hospital they could wait half a day in a wheelchair to be put in a bed. And if you soil yourself, you can just sit in it. Read this thread:


Just say you hate black people and love billionaires like Musk and save the word salad.


You Commies are the ones who don't recognize the right to self-defence. Police can't protect everyone.


Police couldn't protect the CEO. Booyah!


The posters who idolize this murderer are exposing themselves as losers who can't afford health insurance.

No one could save your idol Che either. Didn't the Bolivians cut his hands off too?


gay for his hog
