MovieChat Forums > Georgie Henley Discussion > shes alot older then i thought

shes alot older then i thought

no offense but from the movie (im not saying she looks the same i realize it was two years ago) but the way kids look these days she looked exremely young i thought when i first saw the movie i thought she had to be atleast three years younger then me but i was suprised to see shes only a year younger then me does anyone have a recent picture of her


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Heres a pic of her filming Prince Caspian!! That was a while ago and shes almost as tall as Anna there!!

Blind people are the best!! We don't SEE the point in dying!! WE live!!!


You must be 13.Cause she's a year younger than me too! And I'm like 13.In Narnia she is about 8.At first I thought she was 9.


I saw the Prince Caspian poster (its on and yeahhhh. She looks SO much older now. But she's like 12 now, and 12-year-olds grow. :P


She was both 8 and 9 in LWW. She had her birthday during filming.



Actually she was 9 and 10 when filming LWW. She was born in July 1995, and filming began in mid 2004.
She was 11 and 12 for filming PC.She is still shorter than Anna, but some of the photos of the four make them look almost the same.


Ypur that happy because your one year older than her, I'm two days younger than her, beat that!!!
