MovieChat Forums > Sebastian Stan Discussion > Seb goes off on instigators

Seb goes off on instigators

Sebastian Stan got dumpen by actress Margarita Levieva, he's already replaced


This is a lame excuse to create hate and if you have any respect for me and call yourself my fan I would refrain from doing that and from bothering anyone I respect and that's in my life. If you actually care for me, you would understand and not do that. A little part of me just threw up in my mouth that I just took the time to address this ridiculous post but I guess this is the world we live in and it's the last I'll say about it...just know. You insult the people in my life, you insult me.


My comment was not directed at @multiplemarvelheroes it was in response to this false headline which was solely created to instigate hate and I'm being clear once and for all on how I stand on this...


Again, I don't think people understand what I wrote. It's not about what's posted. Nothing I wrote was directed at the people that posted anything. What I addressed was the lack of thought behind some headline that no one bothered to even see if it was actual truth. Instead, they just took it as word of god and allowed it to motivated hate. Don't judge. Don't jump to conclusions. Don't believe everything you see and then fire off at whim. Don't allow yourself to be so easily swayed. Can't you see how easy it is to instigate anything in this world? This oh so so so reliable "headline" was a great opportunity for me to make something very clear. Which I believe I did.
Even if the headline is true, why would fans go after Margarita? Seb is man enough to defend himself. He doesn't need fans to defend him.


His response makes me want to join twitter, but at the same time I must agree that his even acknowledging this crap is harmful. But at the end of the day what can you do? You can only ignore a bully so long until you pull "A Christmas Story" on them.

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