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signed a new podcast deal

The company is named Lemonade. I hope the content is more intetesting than the ones she did with Spotify.


She was paid pretty well in the past, but she and Harry seem to like living luxuriously.


Well they are exiled royalty.


They're also running low on money. Meghan wants to live a billionaire lifestyle on a millionaire's budget, and frankly, with all the spending they do, I'm amazed they aren't broke or bankrupt by now. Probably didn't take very long for her to blow through Harry's $40 million inheritance from Diana, considering all the PR, plastic surgery, and jet-setting she's been doing. There's even a rumor going around that some Russians are privately financing them, but not very much, so she's deep in debt with them.


Hopefully, they learn from his aunt Fergie's reckless spending. She was in debt for years.


Their mental illnesses will not allow them to learn from their mistakes. They keep making the same ones over and over again. For example, Meghan keeps having her PR put out article after article about "redefining her brand," at least 30-40 so far, and yet nothing actually happens. Or she kept having her favorite magazines (back when she had Sunshine and Sachs as her PR firm), pump out articles about how she would be going to this awards ceremony or that ceremony, trying to pressure the different organizations in Hollywood to include her, and all they did was laugh at her and ignore her. Evidently she thought the Vanity Fair article, "Wild About Harry," was what pressured him into asking her to marry him, and that doing the same thing to Hollywood bigwigs would work too. It didn't.


Can't wait for this one to crash and burn like her last podcasts. Lemonade will lose money and dump her like Spotify did, mark my words.


She is trapped since no one cares what this D-lister has to say. They only cared when she was trash-talking Royals. And she already said everything she knew. So she has to sit and talk about something else. But no one listens.
