The REAL reason she and Haz were in Jamaica
There's a reason Meghan didn't darken the doors of the Aviation Awards and was seen looking stupid at the Bob Marley premiere in Jamaica.
You see, there were two events the elite in Hollyweird knew she might gatecrash; the Aviation Awards (one of which Harry bought using Archwell charity money, considering he hadn't done any flying to deserve it), and Jeff Bezos's 60th birthday party.
People worried that she would sneak in as Harry's last-minute "plus one" so she could try to snag John Travolta at the after party for a recreation of the dance he shared with Princess Diana all those years ago (while wearing an ill-fitting black dress to cosplay the dead princess, of course). Word has also gotten around she might be sniffing around Jeff Bezos, who was recently divorced, trying to snag him as a replacement "rich husband" to Harry. The biggest hint everyone got was her doing her signature harassing different secretaries on the phone, trying to demand invites over and over again. She now has a reputation for doing this.
However, Meghan doesn't seem to realize there are people in Hollyweird who are far better at playing the gold-digger/insider/connections game than she is. Jeff Bezos currently has a girlfriend named Lauren Sanchez, who is a smarter, more successful version of Meghan (probably not a nice person herself), who owns her own aviation company. She too appears to have her eyes on Jeff Bezos as a prize, because rumor has it that a strategically posted, compromising photo caused him to get divorced from his most recent wife, and Lauren was already there to provide a sympathetic shoulder for him to cry on. She was organizing his birthday party and had zero interest in another gold-digger tramping around on her turf.
So Lauren, taking advantage of the fact that Meghan has a weakness for getting free private jet flights to places, called in a few favors and made it look like Paramount was providing a free private jet for M to go to Jamaica to be a guest at the Bob Marley Premiere, and Harry would be getting his own private jet to go there afterwards. Lauren then "forgot" to tell Meghan that the premiere was at a different date, and Meghan was marooned there for a week before the movie. So the entire thing was a ruse to trick Meghan into leaving Tinseltown for a short time so Hollywood elite could party in peace.
Meghan wasn't actually "at home with sick kids" when Harry was receiving the award he didn't earn and making an ass of himself in front of John Travolta; she was already in Jamaica, partying all week long, alone. Harry eventually joined her and they went to the premiere, thinking they were going to walk the Red Carpet and be seated with the VIP's, so Meghan wore a gigantic ballgown skirt with a tank top (probably what she had been planning to wear to dance with John Travolta), but they got a rude surprise when they showed up. Turns out Lauren never told the VIP's there that M&H were guests, and they had to be added on at the last minute. They managed to have a brief word with the Prime Minister, and get pictures taken with the Head of Paramount and his wife, but that's it.
Bob Marley's widow, btw, hates Meghan and quietly demanded that they be sat in the commoner theater next door to the VIP one, (there were two theaters that were showing the premier of the movie, and the VIP one was all filled up). That was why Meghan looked so stupid trying to fit her big-ass ballgown skirt into a little movie theater seat in row 8 while surrounded by people in casualwear. People observed that she and H almost had a fight, but he had to remind her they were being recorded, but she sharply ordered that he go and find them better seats. He left and didn't come back until the end of the film, and things were really tense while they were waiting for a lift back to the hotel. So M&H were not only humiliated, but forced to eat humble pie during the visit.
And that was how they became Hollywood's biggest joke this past month.
No, I didn't get this info from tabloids, because I don't read tabloids about The Witch. I got it from a variety of sources, most of which are available online if you know where to look.