MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > South Park mocks the couple

South Park mocks the couple

It's funny, but the media does need to leave them alone.


The media needs to leave a couple of famewhores alone???

But being famous is the only way they have of earning money!


I know, LMFAO. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can't stand when these fuckers pop up in the Latest Post feed. But for this time:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd say THEY need to leave THE MEDIA alone. Nobody in the news would talk about them if they weren't constantly putting stuff out in the news, putting on little publicity stunts, or calling the paparazzi and paying them to take pictures of them and then claim they were "being stalked." The truth is, nobody cares about them.

Part of the reason the couple is so deep into debt is because Meghan spends money like water on PR firms to keep her and Haz in the news. It's why Sunshine and Sach's finally dumped them last year; she couldn't pay the bills due to her business ventures failing. When she finally scraped together enough money from Spotify and Netflix to pay the debt, the contract with S&S was terminated, and now she has to work with a smaller PR firm that's cheaper.


It'll never happen. I read Harry's horrible book (so you don't have to), and he has an obsessive, irrational, lifelong hatred of the media.

He seriously thinks they killed his mother by chasing her for photos, and he actually dismisses the fact that her driver was drunk as a factor, and now he's projected his Oedipal issues onto his wife and he thinks they'll kill her as well if he doesn't protect her. He's pathetically batshit about the media, he has all these irrational fears about them, and the fact that he's now dependent on them to maintain his lifestyle can't help, because he isn't smart enough to process that kind of ethical conflict. So he's going to break out in more irrational beliefs...


He reminds me of a shit Batman. A spoiled rich boy who admittedly suffered a terrible trauma as a child, but can't grow-up and set aside his bitterness and obsessive fixation on the people he feels killed his parent(s), and has made it his life's mission to get his revenge.


"He reminds me of a shit Batman"

Hahahahahahaha! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You win the internet for today!


I am SO stealing that glorious comment!

I won't claim it's mine, but I'm gonna spread it around.


Meghan's upbringing was far from rainbows and unicorns as well. But that is sad how she shuns her silly dad. That is sad her pathetic half sis loves to trash her. At least her niece cares about her. I think there will be a long and winding road before peace is achieved on both sides. Right now , the vultures are beating up the doves!!!Sad! I am 50/50 regarding everyone.


She is as silly, if not sillier than her father. That man sacrificed a lot to give her so many privileges that many Americans never get a chance to enjoy.

Imo it’s fair to conclude that her sister has very good reason to feel as she does, and say what she says.

Imo peace will never really occur because NPDs just can’t.


I'd gain an iota of respect for her if she started wearing a t-shirt that said "Instagram loving bitch wife'. But I doubt she has it in her to take anything with a sense of humor.


I cracked up about the parody of his memior.


I know, right? The fact that they made the title the noise that a crying baby makes is just priceless.


No, the media does not need to leave them alone. I'd agree it should, if Harry and Meghan actually wanted what they say they want and sincerely tried to attain it: privacy, to have a normal life, not to live in a goldfish bowl, constantly pursued by photographers and tabloid journalists. But I'm sorry, if you go on Oprah to do interviews, have a Netflix documentary, sign a $40 million dollar, multi-book deal to write a series of tell-all books about your family, create a podcast, etc. etc., then privacy is the last thing you are after.

That's why South Park's mockery of these two is not only so accurate, it's also why it is so ruthless. The Sussexes are claiming to want privacy and a normal life, when they are grasping for fame and public sympathy and acclaim just as hard as they possibly can, and they're even willing to shit all over their families to do it. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, like most people, can see how utterly phony and hypocritical Harry and Meghan are being, and their indignation does not come a lack of privacy, it comes from the fact that people are not responding to Harry and Meghan the way Harry and Meghan think they should.


What Harry and Meg actually *want* is to maintain their luxurious lifestyle in a Montecito mansion so vast that it probably costs a million a year to maintain, a lifestyle that would eat up Harry's inheritance and Meg's TV money in about a couple of years. And... they also genuinely want privacy, or at least Harry does, but they can't afford privacy so there they go onto reality TV!

They could have afforded genuine privacy on the money they had when they married, of course, but they chose the huge estate in Montecito instead.


I'm not sure that would make them any better. It would mean that in order to maintain their luxurious lifestyle, they're willing to burn every bridge with anyone who ever meant something to them, offend and alienate closest family, and air every last bit of family dirty laundry for the public, all suitably embellished, and no doubt exaggerated for dramatic effect.

That sounds every bit as shabby, when you get right down to it, and leaves them every bit as deserving of all the mockery that comes their way.


I'd have at least a little respect for them, if they'd chosen to live privately and within their means, because that would show that they really were trying to break away from the shallow pomp and family dysfunction of royal life That would show that they were at least making a genuine attempt to heal Harry's issues and make a life for their family based on a genuine quest for personal happiness, and they could easily have done that. Find a home on an island off of Vancouver or in Puget Sound, or run an organic farm or wildlife preserve in Botswana, and that might have been Harry's path to finding himself.

Instead, they're living out Meg's fantasies of living like an A-List celebrity in SoCal, and they're laughingstocks.
