Love/Hate series 4

I wonder if there's anybody out there who watched this Irish masterpiece of a show starring Rob.
If there is, and they haven't watched all three series, I suggest they stay away from this thread to avoid spoilers.

So, Darren was shot in the head twice and I thought there was no way he could have survived. But one or two days ago, newspapers kept popping up with pictures of him wearing his lovely blue hoodie, having the haircut and all on the set of Love/Hate series 4. I was sure he was back to shoot some flashbacks or some dream sequences, possibly him talking to Tommy or haunting Nidge. And today I read this:

I'm f##king confused. What do you think?

You are better than me, Kakarot. You're the best.


On the set pictures it did, but Robert appeared for example at the Jameson Empire Awards with his natural, fairly long, curly hairstyle and if I remember correctly, that was after the photos of the love/hate set had got leaked.

You are better than me, Kakarot. You're the best.
