Fan Mail
As out dated as it may be I was wondering if she had an address to send fan mail too....anyone know - have trawled various sites but not found anything.
This isn't funny Dean - the voice says I'm almost out of minutes
As out dated as it may be I was wondering if she had an address to send fan mail too....anyone know - have trawled various sites but not found anything.
This isn't funny Dean - the voice says I'm almost out of minutes
Yes, she still is on OTH and I still love the Bitch (Rachel) but she's too good for Dan, even becoming evil (which she shouldn't be- too bad she hasn't grown up yet- and I honestly think she would be the best model for Brooke if she wasn't so conniving as she is curvy and still gorgeous).
I think the majority of her fans are guys (well she is in more movies that guys would watch since she is stereotyped as the hot chick, bitch, sexy thing) and twitter would be good enough for them because this is what their fan appreciation would consist of: Your HOT!.....hmmm. Not worth the price of a stamp or address.
I think she would appreciate the fan supporting letter but you should have someone PM you if they know as umm we don't really need the crazies finding out her "fan address" as well. Hint..Hint..
P.S Rainbow you would be surprised at the different type of fans people have. I was laughing at this one guy who is the same age as me (23) and HE likes Taylor Swift(she's awesome) and when I started making fun of him for it, he started singing along to her song...and he is a typical guy and likes the typical "guy music" as well like Tom Petty and Bon Jovi and all that other stuff.