MovieChat Forums > Willa Holland Discussion > Does anyone else see Buffy in her?

Does anyone else see Buffy in her?

Her & SMG have similar face shapes. Their noses are also similar, although Willa's is not quite as defined as Sarah's (which is a good thing). BUT I really see the resemblance when Willa is speaking because of the way her mouth moves.

They're both incredibly beautiful.


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Me too.


Just watched the 1st episode of Arrow's 2nd season. I kept thinking she reminded me of a cross between Dawn and Fred Burkle.
Which is funny because I didn't see it the first season.


Sarah's much more unique looking. Willa looks like a poor man's version of SMG.

Everybody is entitled to my opinion.


I was about to say she looks like a mixture of Buffy and Fred.

Happy birthday to the ground!


Yeah a Little.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


To me she both looks like and sounds like Amy Acker.


I agree.


except SMG has way more charisma than her. And she can actually act.
Willa is dead weight, acting wise

"...but they hung him anyway."
"Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry."
