MovieChat Forums > AnnaSophia Robb Discussion > Did I miss something...?

Did I miss something...?

In a matter of just a few months, all the serious discussions concerning AnnaSophia Robb's acting exploits that once transpired on this board have been replaced by crude, moronic topics sparked by a gaggle of mouth-breathers salivating over her butt. I guess I must have missed the part where the area of the body responsible for the disposal of solid waste products became the most important thing in the universe. Please fill me in, as apparently I have been unwittingly living under a rock for quite some time. If you're into butts and disrespecting women, by all means go on some free porn website and get cracking. I'm sure there are torture porn videos in which women's asses are spanked if that's what you find attractive, but frankly nobody outside your severely disturbed sphere of sexual immorality wants to know about it. I really don't see why you have to display so flagrantly your depravity, perversion and sexual deviance on an actress' board. Butts are for taking out the trash. Grow the *beep* up.

I'd also like to add that her butt is illegitimate- it's as clear as day that she paid for implants as part of her humble-Coloradan-to-glitzy-New-Yorker transformation. So not only are you drooling over something that spends most of its time sitting on a bacteria-ridden toilet seat, you're also worshipping plastic. Good on you, guys. It fills me with an indescribable sense of inner tranquility that we're relying on you to sustain our species.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses


I'm no expert on the female posterior and you've given it far more thought than I have, so you're probably right. It is unnaturally large, though- kind of looks like a reverse pregnancy bump.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses
