
I was wondering that after 7 years since Robb sang the song "Keep Your Mind Wide Open" for "Bridge to Terabithia", why she had never sung another song or had continued singing? Just out of curiosity.


According to an interview she gave for the film she was never as interested in singing as she was in acting.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses




I've wondered the same thing. I thought she had a nice voice. Certainly much better than Eliza Bennett who made even the end credits of "Inkheart" unbearable with her pretentious ca(h)n't. I'm from England too but I do not know anyone who sings like that. I am glad SHE hasn't sung since.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


Of course, Robb has answered that question several times, with slightly different responses, but here's one providing a fair insight to the subject: =1m23s

-- I feel she has a great voice.

Also on the topic, she's good at lip syncing :

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


Her voice was so beautiful in the music video, but you're right. I am so happy that she remained an actress. I basically grew up watching her movies [We're the same age both born in 1993].


AnnaSophia's pretty funny. lol


She always did have a sense of humor. Must be why she was so good at playing Jackie and Cassie [Very witty, smart, and funny characters... until the plots thicken tremendously. Will not reveal spoilers. ^_^]


She always did have a sense of humor.
As I just stated to cspin: "Absolutely, plus Robb has the fun trait of goofiness."

Must be why she was so good at playing Jackie and Cassie [Very witty, smart, and funny characters...
Cassie is definitely my favorite. However, ASR's quip slinging wittiness can be seen in many of her performances. For example, Leslie jabs back at Jesse at least once for mocking her attitude and family's lifestyle in Bridge to Terabithia:
Jesse "Where does your dad work?"
Leslie "At home, same as my mom. They're writers."
Jesse "Writers? What do they write about?"
Leslie "Fiction."
Jesse "That explains you."
Leslie "What do you mean?"
Jesse "Well, you like to make things up, and that's what your parents do for a living."
Leslie "You know a lot about hardware?"
Jesse "No, why?"
Leslie "Your dad works at a hardware store."
Jesse "Okay...!"
Leslie "All I'm saying is that, you are who you are, not your parents."
...And then there's that scene early on in Sleepwalking when Tara gets snide with her mother:
Joleen "You know, you could really start unpacking some of your own *beep* instead of sitting there and pretending to do your homework."
Tara "I'm not pretending to do my homework; I'm pretending not to hate my life."
Joleen "Well, you're not doing a good job of pretending."
Tara "Well, maybe I'm not applying myself."
Joleen "I don't need this kind of *beep* from you right now, Tara!"
Tara "What kind of *beep* do you need from me right now, mom?"

I do realize AnnaSophia doesn't write the lines, though there're certainly mishaps and improv at times, Robb's delivery makes it captivating and powerful.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!
