MovieChat Forums > Britt Robertson Discussion > I Understand Why People Are Not Keen Abo...

I Understand Why People Are Not Keen About Her

It's because her pretty looks don't hide the fact that she is not a very good actress. She has this go to expression she uses in all her movies. I'm talking about a facial expression that always seems to exude condescension and exasperation towards those around her. As if her character is always the smartest person in the room. If you need an example just look at the scene in The Longest Ride when the art auction is taking place and the painting that no one wants, and rightfully so, is up for bid and just look at her expression. She looks at all those people like they are crazy for not jumping at the most worthless piece in the collection. In that scene it's blazingly obvious and done for a purpose, but she has this expression in other projects like Tomorrowland and checkout the trailer for The Space Between Us. She does not show the exact mouth hanging open expression of exasperation, but the smartest girl in the room look is there.


