MovieChat Forums > Miley Cyrus Discussion > The only time she ever looked genuinely ...

The only time she ever looked genuinely attractive was that "We Won't Stop" political parody on SNL.

Agree or disagree?


Do you have a photo of that appearance ?


^ Is that what you’re talking about?

She does look better as a brunette




Nah. Still that weird chicken ass.


I might call her attractive if she gained some weight and didn't have all those skanky tattoos.


she's very good looking.

if you spent the day riding on public transit, and miley got on the bus, she'd be one of the 20 best looking girls you saw, probably. top 10%, almost certainly


...everyone with the same makeup routine, cosmetic surgery etc! Who rides the bus?


well, the makeup and surgery is baked in. that's what she looks like. i'm not basing this on what the uglied up miley would look like. i'm basing it on what the foxy miley i see in that pic on this website looks like.

lots of people ride the bus, but if you're saying only ugly people ride the bus, then i'm willing to change it to something more representative, maybe... let's say she'd be in the top decile of women under 40 you'd see if you walked around a mall in any given day.

imo, respectfully.


I'm from Stockholm, Sweden. Miley wouldn't even be the hottest I saw that day.


That's because hot chicks avoid public transportation. Just stand in the business district of any major city and you'll see a thousand girls hotter than Miley in an hour.


that hasn't been my experience! maybe we have some kind of deficiency here...


Maybe. I also live near a college campus, and I'd say Miley would be below 50% of the girls I see there. I'm not saying she's ugly, just very average with a great stylist.


well, i'm not here to endlessly argue over the attractiveness of miley cyrus!

but...i don't live in a dungeon or anything. i work for a midsized organization that has a mostly female workforce, and most of them are under 40. i don't have access to our headcount right now, but i'm comfortable saying that we have at least 100 women under 40 in our org, and i've seen all of them face to face.

& i'm comfortable saying that if miley started work monday with us, she'd easily be in the top 10. not at the top. but she'd be in the mix!

happy moviechatting to you, anyway.


Different strokes for different folks, it's all good.
