MovieChat Forums > Miley Cyrus Discussion > She turned her back on God. It's time to...

She turned her back on God. It's time to keep your promise and leave.

You threatened to leave so Honor it and so should the rest of you Evil Liberals. There were so many signs from God this Election. Things that happened in my life. I prayed, cried, and fought to make sure that this Country wasn't headed down this divisive path any longer. Over a Year ago I grew my Hair out long hoping God would notice me. I wanted God to know that i love God and that this Country could not continue down this Path with Feminists shouting Racist and Sexist all the time. All the Left knows how to do is divide people. I thank you God and I worship you and *beep* this corrupt government. Miley get the Hell out of the Country.


So, according to your logic, the more conservative someone is, the more of a 'unifier' they are? Can you kindly explain how Trump will 'unify' this nation? Maybe in the same way that Nixon did, when the entire country came together to vilify him in the aftermath of Watergate?


I'm sorry my Mental State isn't very well lately because there's jack asses rioting around me in our Country. Sorry if I don't sound like a pleasant person.


i agree


God is a democrat


So, according to your logic, the more conservative someone is, the more of a 'unifier' they are? Can you kindly explain how Trump will 'unify' this nation? Maybe in the same way that Nixon did, when the entire country came together to vilify him in the aftermath of Watergate?

A better question is, how would Hillary have?


Can you back that up with Scripture?


If I remember my Bible correctly, it was Revelations 8:12 that said:

"And lo, an orangutan shalt rise and unify all the peoples of the earth. He shalt lead the chosen to great prosperity, and the streets shalt be paved with mutton shanks and the rivers shalt run with goat's milk."


You're insane. Liberals are about equality. You crazy conservatives are the ones that keep fighting for division and you use your ridiculous fairytale bible b.s. to do it. Go back to the insane asylum you escaped from.


God commands us to love our fellow man and reject material things like money
