MovieChat Forums > Pwinty Discussion > Could Americans Please Stop Bumping This...

Could Americans Please Stop Bumping This Man-Lady

We get it, you Yank fellas love cock in your woman's pants.

So go watch some bum-boy porn.



They are pushing all the lady boy stuff in the past few days. They can't get enough of the crying game.




my socials are full of ladybois in my feeds, i can't escape it!




Jesus H. Christ every time I go on this site this fuck is on here. Take a picture and whack off in your mama's bathroom to it and leave us be!!!


@Pelham33…Lol Do you know how to put it on the “ignore”? No one is asking you to come over here. Lol Toodles! Lol


I'm a girl, you're a girl, we're all just girls!


Lol…Cyndi Lauper said it first, “Girls, just want to have fun”. Lol


What makes you so sure it's Americans? Europe and southeast asia are full of queers.


@stickman38…Lol So, true…Lol


Thanks for the reply, pwinty. Ooops.... I mean, lessthanzero. Sorry....


Lol…You’re welcome! Anytime :-)


@Zinger…Lol…Okay, friend…Lol


Being a lady boy is cool these days.


You folks would know!


Just on the weekends.


remember when Trump won?


Lol…That’s why Pwinty stays happy…Lol


Best way to stop bumping is to create a thread in said profile.

You’re a genius Zinger!




LMAO!! Damn I can't.....


Lol…”LMAO”? Which part do you find hilarious? I betcha it’s the “Man-Lady”! Lol!


Responding to the other account you created - How mental!


Lol…@MCguy…Believe it or not but I didn’t create another account. Right hand to God and God as my witness, I didn’t. You can believe whatever! I never lied on any of these posts! I never had to recreate one as well. That other poster, Rhemo said he or she (not sure of the sex) came from the LSA site.
I said initially when I started posting that I didn’t need any help stating my points. That would go against everything I claim. To create another account to post is preposterous! It’s just me and you can just accept it or not. Whoever it is could be doing it to discredit me…


Occam's Razor says otherwise. But you delusion is impressive.


Lol…It is what it is…I won’t spend time to prove my point to someone that even said he wouldn’t ever revisit my comments. I said what I said, take it or leave it…Lol


LessThanZero87 is speaking nothing but facts about the claim that she is NOT Rhemo!! I(meaning Rhemo) joined this site because the members of LSA suggested I do so I did. My user name on that LSA is also Rhemo on that account as well. Feel, free to look it up. @LessThanZero just to clear it up I am a female not a harm no foul. LessThanZero87 I am not on this site to try to discredit you. What would be the point of that...I mean I have no skin in the game so what would I have to gain by discrediting you? It ain't like I'm Daniel or Pwinty nor do I know either of them personally so I wouldn't have a way to fact check you. I just wanted conversation and this post stuck out to me. I truly respect you for the fact that you stand in your truth/ believes even when others call you mental and try to discredit ya.


Lol…Apologies accepted…They been saying the same thing to me since day 1!!! You’re right! I won’t change regardless of what they think! I speak the Truth! Daniel and Pwinty knows what I say is True! If Truth be told, they probably wish me dead…Lol I know what I know because the source Daniel knows gave it to me! Daniel is an alcoholic and coke head. When the two combinations are in Daniel’s system, Daniel can’t keep still or quiet! Just watch him on the red carpets during interviews…Lol Daniel got that twerk move with those dilated pupils…Lol

I wasn’t trying to offend, I just didn’t know your gender. Since you pointed it out, I’ll refer to you by it!


What account would that be? The Rhemo account? Well, sorry to bust your bubble but I'm not LessThanZero87. My name is Rhemo so nice to meet you.


Lol…They do this all day and everyday…Lol Some say they’ll block me or won’t respond but these same people keep coming back to get the tea! Lol I just say my piece and keep it moving..I’ll keep making comments until I’m ready to stop not just because they say so…Lol


Yes the "Man/Lady" part did make me chuckle a lil bit but that's not the part that had me LMAO. KiwiJim respond to the thread was hilarious & facetious . So, the original poster Zinger wants to stop bumping the threads about Pwinty (Lady/Man) but their words and actions is not matching up. A Thread Bump is the act of adding a new message or post to a particular thread/discussion in order to return it to the top of the thread/discussion list. The more people engage in the thread/post the more users will see it. The "you're a genius" statement is what sent me over the edge with laughter.


Lol…I like keeping it cynical on here. LSA says Daniel has lesbian and gay tendencies. It must take a lot of alcohol and coke to muster up the nerve to fuck a guy with a dick. Lol According to Daniel, they like to play around with the xes toys, too! Lol Pwinty doesn’t mind because like you said, Pwinty doesn’t want to be homeless and go back to the old job as a prostitute! Lol


no penis no


Lol…If you’re referring to Pwinty, I think Pwinty kept the penis…Lol Daniel Sunjata knows for certain! Hence, that weird smirking Daniel does because Daniel has all the ladies fooled…Lol


@JoWilli my guess is that Pwinty kept their penisI base my assumption purely on the fact that Daniel S. is bi-sexual so by Pwinty being trans Daniel gets the best of both worlds. He can give & receive anal, give & receieve oral and the best part is he can have gay sex with a person who he thinks he can pass off as a woman. Pwinty provides the shield Daniel needs in order to hide his true self from the world. Pwinty penis is the main reason Daniel is with him/her otherwise he could just be with a biological woman with a fully functioning vagina.




@JoWilli…Lol The Land of the Brave and The Free…Lol
