MovieChat Forums > Jennette McCurdy Discussion > If you want to see that racism and preju...

If you want to see that racism and prejudice is alive and well...

Look no farther than Jennette's social media pages...

Anyway, there is a thing between her and Andre Drummond of the Pistons over social media. They haven't said they are dating or anything so who knows what 100% is going on. Anyway there were comments here and there and then. She posted a picture of her and him on Instagram yesterday, cue racists.

See I live in the South so I see this crap on the regular. White girl even talks to a black guy and every steteotype, cliche comment, assumption, and racist BS comes out. And its from both sides.

You have the white people and surprisingly other races that just spew hate. They haven't even said they are dating but every vile sexual sterotype has been said and things like "shame" and "we don't want you back". The worst is people putting "Brazzers" its bad because what it applies and because Jennette still has a young fan base. Brazzers if you don't know is a porn site network, its caters to everyone but I guess its said because they have interracial stuff.

Then you have the other side. While the first group is hateful in a racist way because of his skin color these are celebratory in a racist, dismissive, sexist, mysoginistic way torwards Jennette because of her skin color.

It all comes down to each person on both sides being ignorant asses with bare minimum intelligence. Its a fact that the more intelligent you are the more tolerant and open to things you are. No one is born with these thoughts and action in their DNA, it is all taught by imbeciles and cowards to kids. These people are usually parents and family members, if you Jae any prejudice it is because you were raised badly and were not intelligent enough to make your own opinion and rise above the trash that taught you it.

Take me for example, my dad is prejudice as *beep* and my mom had some intolerance passed onto her by religion. Both are good people they just couldn't take that next step in mental evolution that makes you rise about the other unenlightened.

That being said I rose above it and am better than them. I hold no prejudice on people for something they can't control.

Pretty much what Im saying is racism is alive and well and if they do hook up and you have a actual problem its because you are unintelligent and you were raised or taught wrong at some point in your life by a *beep* person.


Exactly, there are so many things that people do that are hate worthy that it's almost lazy to hate someone for their race, religion, what country they are from, or their sexuality.

Then again bigotry is a 100% taught irrational fear of something due to lack of intelligence, education, up bringing, and being uncomfortable with something you don't understand.
