MovieChat Forums > Jennette McCurdy Discussion > Racist double standard

Racist double standard

While everyone is condemning the racist comments on the supposed relationship between Jennette McCurdy and Andre Drummond while saying nothing of the racist double standards that exists when a black actress dates or marries a white guy , some examples include Paula Patton married to Robin Thicke , Aisha Tyler married to a white guy as well and also Tamera Mowry among others , Now here is where the hypocrisy comes into play: Whenever a black guy snatches up 'snow bunny' he gets applause and hi-fives all over , but if a black woman gets a 'snow rabbit' she gets called a 'sell-out' and her white boyfriend is a 'horny devil' . Doesn't anyone else see the double standard here?

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


Lol, she's about a 5/10 facially, and a midget. He can do better than her.


Yeah but the black women who are chastised are usually nice looking or in the least easy on the eyes. There are hefty black women with white guys and there are ZERO comments either way. Serena Williams comes to mind, even though she and her fans think she's a beaut. I think she looks too manly and her dress style is atrocious wearing tight and skimpy dresses don't compliment her bulky physique at all.

Most, if not ALL of the black men with cute white snow bunnies are usually FUGLY AF, BUT they got the $$$ rolling in due to their high profile sports career.


black men with cute white snow bunnies are usually FUGLY AF

The ironic thing is that you are probably "FUGLY AF." If not, prove it by posting a pic so we can see how attractive you are or aren't. Of course you won't because you just enjoy sitting back and being the pompous judge of who's "FUGLY AF" rather than be the one judged.
