Not beautiful but sexy
Jennifer Carpenter has THAT look. She may not be all that attractive but she is incredibly sexy. I loved her in Dexter and even more in Limitless.
shareJennifer Carpenter has THAT look. She may not be all that attractive but she is incredibly sexy. I loved her in Dexter and even more in Limitless.
shareLoved her in Dexter; it seems she's on drugs the way she has aged.
BTW,to her!
She’s very scrawny and has a weird face but damn I find her very sexy. Somehow what she has going on works.
shareYes, and she's a very good actress.
shareShe has that rough around the edges/been around the block look to her but I agree she oozes a primordial sexiness. Marin Ireland ('Sneaky Pete') is another actress who has this quality as well.
shareShe looked attractive in the movie “Quarantine”
shareInterestingly I don't find her beautiful or sexy at all but she does carry herself in a feminine manner however which helps her.
$1K says you're just projecting
shareYeah. She's always been quite hot, though she's not particularly beautiful. Her face is quite large and robust (which makes it quite masculine looking in a way) with her body being plain and slim but she has something about her.