MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > People, stop panicking. It will all be o...

People, stop panicking. It will all be ok

I don't follow Russian and Ukrainean politics but my college professor does. He told me we all should just be thankful that Trump is still not in office. Putin knows how to take advantage of weaklings and if Trump was still in power, not only would Ukraine already been taken over but also much of eastern Europe would also


Yep. Despots sense weakness. Putin will move on Ukraine within days.



It's a plot hole.


Trolling IS satire, but with fewer steps.


Hes being a troll . He does it all the time.


That's complete nonsense. There is really little difference as to what Trump or Biden would do. Our Russian policy has existed since the end of WWII, and it exist to cut Russia off from the world economy ... which has the unfortunate consequences of meaning that sanctions on Russia don't affect them. The web is full of trolling sock puppets trying to drum up sentiment for military action ... and I sure hope Biden is not so stupid.


Biden is that stupid. But fortunately not in charge.


No, there is a big difference if Trump was still in office. Ukraine and some of eastern Europe would already be under Putins control.


No, there is a big difference if Trump was still in office. Ukraine and some of eastern Europe would already be under Putins control.

So why didn't this happen in the four years that Trump was in office?


Because Putin was planning it all out during the 4 years of Trump. Remember, Trump only won because of Putins interference. Putin put Trump in the white house. We are seeing the result now. Fascism is on the rise. Thankfully Biden will protect America from it but the rest of the world is in danger




This would never happen under Trump.


Never is a strong word.
If there wasn't COVID most likely not. But we are where we are: there are plenty of very unhappy people at the moment (just like everywhere else), and this little war is mostly for internal use.


I think eastern Europe is in bigger danger now, with that weak dementia grandpa Joe. Not that I like Trump, but he would deal with this situation better


How so? Trump only won the presidency because of Putins interference. He would be the puppet for Putin


You really believe that?


Trump only won the presidency because of Putins interference. He would be the puppet for Putin

Just because the fantasists at CNN tell you something doesn't mean it's true.

Democrats need to put up or shut up. You've spent the past five years banging about on about Trump's supposed collusion with Russia.


Its not just CNN. It was also NBC, and CBS. They provided droves of evidence to support this as well. It was fully discussed also by my professor


ooh - the my professor guy is back - welcome back lol
