MovieChat Forums > Josh Hutcherson Discussion > Does he believe in Jesus?

Does he believe in Jesus?

Seems pretty liberal, doing the movie 'The Kids are Alright'.

But he's also from Kentucky, which is quite conservative.

Anyway, is he saved?


"Saved?" If He's A Good Person And Standing Up For Bullied Gay Children, Which He Does, Then He Is Loved by Jesus, Or Whatever higher power He Believes In, Or If He doesn't Believe At All, Because Being A Good Person To The Other People That Share This Earth With You Is The Only Thing That Matters. although I Respect Them, He Doesn't Need To Share Your Religious Views To Be "Saved".


I agree he is quite liberal but seriously, coming onto a forum and asking this is a bit odd. I mean, what kind of answer do you think your going to get? Especially when there are people on this foum who are Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, etc. Only he knows if he's accepted Christ as his Savior or not and if it concerns you, then you should pray for him. Asking a question like this is something you ask/discuss to/with people who believe the same way you do, NOT to a any random person who visits this forum (since people hold different beliefs).


I sure hope he isn't that dumb, but wouldn't be surprised.


You can be a good person and live a happy life without being a Christian or believing in a God.


Yes, I realize that seeing as how I'm one of those people.


Okay I'm not some crazy religious kid but can you atheists or whatever the heck you're called nowadays stop hating on people that actually have some faith? Like seriously. We don't go on about how you atheists are stupid for only believing in science, math and crap. Shut up for crying out loud! I'm tired of people with no religion thinking they're so much better than those who are religious. And to be quite honest it's none of your business to say that he would be stupid for believing in Jesus.


actually christians do go on about that stuff constantly.


if more people stopped to ask the questions 'Does it really matter?', and ' 'who cares?' people wouldn't feel the need to argue over such stupid topics....
