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Is it dementia or does he think everyone is stupid?

Tucker Carlson says ‘demons’ invented nukes, days after claiming he was physically mauled by the spirit world

Tucker Carlson says "human forces" did not create nuclear technology. Instead, it was demons.

"I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when nuclear technology became known to man. So, where did it come from exactly? ... it's very clear to me these are demonic." Watch at the three minutes point of the video.

Nuclear fission was accomplished in the laboratory for the first time in the 1930's. The first reactor went critical in 1942. The first nuclear bomb was exploded in 1944, the first reactor (EBR-1) to produce electrical power went online in 1951.


Everyone is stupid.


So you're really buying the sh*t Carlson is shoveling?


The idea was from Albert Einstein, there was written evidence about it. Though he only said it was possible, he played no part in the actual bomb building process.


I have a 1941 chemistry textbook. At end of 1938 they split uranium with neutrons, producing huge amount of energy. This was in Berlin, Einstein was NOT involved. The next step was the atomic reactor under a US campus tennis court!
