Off on his anti-immigrant rant again. Guess he's scared of the white replacement theory. I find it hilarious how he thinks the oceans will keep them at bay. Guess he forgot about the southern border where they come from all over via smuggling. Ocean doesn't work no more, not after Pearl Harbor and ICBM's came into existence.
The overwhelming majority of Afghans brought here are neither Green Card holders, SIV holders or did anything to assist the United States during the war. They were just the people lucky enough to get to the planes.
Well, for one, they’ll do a ton of essential jobs that you’d never want to do (especially for the pay). It sounds dreary, but the vast majority of natural born Americans simply don’t want to pick fruit, and work under the scorching heat of plantations and farms for minimal pay; or work in sewers, collect garbage, or clean windows on 100 story buildings. Hell, they don’t even want to work fast food anymore. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it....right? For example, I hope you know that prices for produces go up when there aren’t enough workers to keep the ball rolling. Like, it’s not simply “Biden’s fault”. There’s a broader equilibrium that has to work in order for you to get that proverbial Big Mac when you want it.
If they paid a living wage people would be happy to do those jobs - working on a farm is not overly difficult or dangerous neither is flipping burgers. I worked on the oil rigs in the arctic for over a decade - that was a far shittier job than picking fruit in the hot sun, but my suffering and isolation was compensated with a living wage.
Importing millions of cheap labourers while living on a planet with finite resources. Sounds very sustainable.
Well, that’s the rub - The pay isn’t worth the effort, but somebody’s gotta do it. There’s a ton of work to go around, but not enough people applying for it.
The way I look at it, if an immigrant comes along and applies, they didn’t “steal” an American’s job; they simply took a job that an American didn’t want. If an American doesn’t want to work at all, that’s on them, but somebody’s gotta do it.
Personally, immigrants don’t bother me nearly as much as homegrown Americans that sit idle. When I see homelessness in this country, I see Americans that would rather be homeless than work the job that the immigrant is working.
That is the biggest crap I ever heard. So you are making excuses for corporations being cheap and then passing on the cost of living expenses to the middle class because they don't want to pay a decent living wage? Because that is what is happening. Basically, in the 60's the civil rights movement began and all sorts of laws were passed, from Affirmative Action to enforcing good pay and safe working conditions. In response to this, the corporations started to make deals under the table with China, Taiwan, etc to outsource manufacturing so they can save in labor and not give the Negro the satisfaction of working in a White district. But what about the companies that can't outsource? Well, this is when the cheap paying migrant workers come in handy. They even created something called the H1B1 work visa where big corporations can hire foreign workers at cheap pay and not have to pay taxes, medicare or social security while they work. The Walt Disney Corporation is very guilty in this practice. So it has nothing to do with immigrants doing work that Americans don't want to do. It has everything to do with the government officials who were put into their positions by big corporations donations returning the favor by flooding the country with a bunch of immigrants at the corporations disposal. The illegals are even better because if one dies from dehydration while working a farm or from falling off a roof that violated all safety precautions, the corporations can just get rid of the body since they are undocumented to begin with. And then there is also the big business of human trafficking that is directly linked to massive immigration. And well, after seeing how our FBI let Jeffery Epstein hang himself, twice, well, we know where the US government stands of human trafficking. THey protect the traffickers at all cost.
That’s a ton of words for practically saying that not enough Americans want to do menial jobs...TODAY. Who the hell wants to work fast food these days? The new gen of Americans sure as hell don’t. I mean, it isn’t a white kid cleaning up after me when I stay at a hotel. Hell, I barely see a white face anymore when I go out to eat at a restaurant...and I’m talking about rather expensive places (like $200+ for a couple). I seriously can’t remember the last time I saw a white kid (or adult) working a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, or fast food in my area. These are jobs that homegrown Americans could have...but choose not to, and there’s a reason for that. And this is way before going into the “picking fruit” and “collecting garbage” and “working sewage” portion of the ideal.
Every time I go to the USPS, it’s the same guy (singular), working alone, and doing everything.
That’s awesome, and it’s really cool that you and your friends did. What I’m saying is that that there’s a much greater need for that kinda job, and not enough Americans want to do it. Like, tens of thousands more of you would fill the country-wide need nowadays.
Me and my friends worked in fast food when we were teenagers. It doesn’t necessarily mean that teenagers today are biting at the bit for that job anymore though.
A “Popeye’s’ was built down the street from where I live. It took them 3 months to find enough employees (for $15 an hour) to finally open the damn place up. I would have been all over that job back in the 90s as a high schooler.
Today, there apparently seems to be a decent chunk of Americans that would rather be homeless (or something like it) than work fast food for $15 an hour. There’s hardly a place that I see anymore that isn’t hurting for more employees, and that’s after the pandemic erased a third of the places, so what is it? It’s much more complicated than “Biden Sucks”.
My response is similar to what was written moments ago, but what do you hear in that clip, or in anything from him, or anyone on the right for that matter, that is remotely anti-immigrant?
My opinion, which seems to be reflected by Tucker and others, is that illegal immigration is wrong. We have laws in place to determine who can come into the country, and when. Someone who comes into the country illegally is a criminal, and should be treated as such. They should be apprehended and sent home. I've never heard any rational argument to the contrary.
I have no problem with legal immigrants. My grandparents were all legal immigrants other than one, who was an American Indian. Immigrants enrich the country. Illegals destroy it.
Except Tucker is a special breed imo. If you watch Faux News as I do and all his multiple segments about migration, you'll see a clearer picture about him as I do. I didn't think of him as that at first until you watch enough of him. I too am against illegal migration but his take on it is different. Subtle and subliminal but it's there. I say go to Fox News YT, search Tucker and watch at least the past 25 of his videos so you can see my point.
Yeah? That’s a good thing? Personally, I like variety. Like, when I buy a bag of jellybeans, I like that there are a bunch of different colors, and that the red ones will give off a different flavor than the orange ones. The green ones taste different than the yellow ones, but sometimes I’m in the perfect mood for either. The pink ones usually taste nice, but sometimes the black ones rock my world.
It might sound super cheesy, but like jellybeans, great people come in all colors. However, all bets are off if you include the Harry Potter jellybeans that include “rotten” jellybeans that are meant to taste like ass - Fool me once, Harry Potter !
How come only white countries have to be 'diverse'? You don't see people criticizing China. Or Nigeria. Or any other predominantly non-white country for not being like your bag of jellybeans.
I didn’t grow up or live in those countries or cultures, so it’s hard for me to have an opinion on that.
However, I was born and raised in a country taken over by immigrants.
Like, I’m not incredibly concerned with goes on in my neighbor’s house unless it affects my own house, but I am certainly going to pay closer attention to what goes on in my own house. In other words, I’d let Japan deal with that issue in their own way...but if I wanted to live there, I’m sure that I’d bump into other Americans that have successfully lived there.
Nah, you’re just an actual ignorant dumbass. For a moment, I had a humorous moment where I was responding to an idiot that didn’t understand that we live in a country that was invaded, and taken immigrants.
You mean how they massacred each other for years before the colonists arrived? Or maybe you’re referring to diseases that killed off natives? If so, that wasn’t massacre or genocide, that’s just nature.
For the record, many natives allied with the colonists to fight other more violent natives.
And thankfully, the survivors have their little BS plot of land in the middle of nowhere to be grateful for 🙄. Invaded the country, called it our own, and now we live in it.
Look it up, the natives have quite a lot of reservations all over America and even Canada, in areas where they can thrive.
What happened, happened, deal with it. All races and ethnicities have done it, and every race/ethnicity will try to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to them. The natives were lucky that the colonists were so cooperative.
He also understands the very simple fact that eludes most leftists: Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
Maybe he understands that that kind of future isn’t the kind of existence wants to bequeath to his children.
Who in their right mind goes to bed thinking....I can’t wait to leave the great country my forefathers built to a bunch of people who couldn’t build theirs. To leave their children and grandchildren as hated minorities. Guess what kids? You’re going to be living in Haiti or Somalia in the near future! Nobody in the right state of mind thinks like that.
Only the left...but then again they’re not in the right stare of mind are they?
Dude, my dad is Hispanic, joined the American Air Force, and fought in the Korean War to earn his citizenship...and also dealt with racism that I couldn’t fully understand. I’m a first gen American, and proud of it.
IMO, he’s a foreigner that’s done more for this country than you ever will. If anyone is “zero benefit”, it’s probably you.
Myopic individualism? Who the hell is going to do the dirty work for you if you get rid of them? Because the new gen of Americans sure as hell don’t want to do it. They’re too cool to pick fruit, or clean your house, or work minimum wage to make your life a little more convenient. Hell, they barely look at fast food as “worth it” anymore.
Not kidding, I haven’t seen a white kid doing fast food since the 90s in my area, and that was my first job (when I was 15).
“Not even American”, but you’ve got a strong opinion of what it’s like to be an American? Well, I’ll say that immigrants don’t come here to sit on their ass like a ton of homegrown Americans do.
IMO, if Americans took care of their shit, immigrants wouldn’t have a job to work (nor a reason to come here). HINT: they’ll do what you won’t, and for less pay than you’d ever want to ...and you’d miss them if they disappeared....and then you’d just simply blame it on Biden, because you’re ignorant, and aggressively refuse to see the forest for the trees.
Egalitarian lies? Says who? You? Who the fuck are you? My immigrant dad has done more for this country than you ever will. You picked the wrong guy to have this BS commentary with. A proud American, and have earned it a shit ton more than you probably have.
TBH, you should consider yourself lucky that I’ve given you a reason to jump online, and indulge you in the best part of your pathetic, mediocre day. I’m 100% certain that no one is relying on you to take care of them, and I’d pray for them in the unlikely miracle that I’m wrong.
Says all the evidence in the world. Races are different. The sooner society realizes that the better. And I don't give a fuck about you or your immigrant dad. Shove your inferiority complex up your ass.
Hehe...inferiority complex? Nah, I’m very certain that my dick is bigger than yours, and is much more appealing to vastly more women. Sleep tight. I’ve got more important things to do.
I love Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez. Those are individuals. Doesn't mean I want millions of Hispanics in my country. Just like a Japanese can love an individual Korean. Doesn't mean he wants Japan to turn into Korea.
Hehe...what if those millions of Hispanics looked like Salma Hayek and J-Lo? You’d be cool with it, right? This country has always been a melting pot of different people and cultures. I live a skip away from NYC, and every race is comfortably represented there every time I visit. Biggest city in the world, and somehow they make it work...and generate enough money to make a state like Kentucky survive.
How is racial diversity bunching your panties? It has existed for as long as I’ve been alive, and I’m not whining like a bitch about it. If you want something, make it happen, but I’ll say that whining won’t get you far. Nobody likes a cry baby.
Wanting what's obviously best for society doesn't make one a cry baby. I live in racially homogenous country and look in awe of what is happening in America. So glad my country doesn't have problem like that.
Again, who the fuck are you? You’re not even an American with an American perspective. Like, I don’t go to the place where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth. Your commentary is 100% useless.
On the contrary, not being American gives me an advantage of looking at a situation from a distance, more objectively and rationally than other Americans.
Less crime, less poverty, less people on welfare, less drug dealers, less identity politics, less racial discrimination law suits, less culture clash problems....etc
You claimed that having an all-white country is racist. I brought up a non-white country that is prospering because it's homogeneous. You didn't call that country racist for doing so. It seems it's only bad when white countries do it, and as the other person said, its seems only white countries are called upon to be diverse, if that isn't a double standard then I don't know what is.
I'm not suggesting purging non-whites from America, or Europe, but non-white immigrants and citizens need to start assimilating and respecting the white countries that are caring for them. Some of them are doing so, but not all of them, and thanks to the government and the media, many non-whites are disinclined to respect the hosting white countries, which causes division.
I say again, you have yet to mention any benefits of a racially diverse country. So far it has only caused division and chaos. I am genuinely curious to learn what the benefits are, and if you could list countries where it has actually worked.
Native Americans are descended from Asian immigrants. The Nords and the Beringians also traveled to the northern continent at some point. They all fought each other as well as themselves. There is no group of people that originated in the northern continent.
Other people stumbled onto and occupied the land before the colonists, that is true. But it was white British Colonists that made America what it is, and it was white Italian explorers that properly recorded it so that other people knew that there were western continents in the first place. You don't see mass immigration into non-white countries, do you? It's almost always immigrants moving into America or Europe.
You still haven't listed any benefits of a racially diverse country.
You haven't been paying attention, have you? The people who occupied the northern continent before the British colonists had nothing to do with how "America" turned out. They were living minimalist lives and never made full use of the land, despite living there for thousands of years.
Italians are white people, by the way. White people put America on the map, and white people made America so alluring that non-whites would travel thousands of miles by foot just to get a chance to live there. Even before black slaves were used as labor, the colonists made America a prosperous land, so much so that when Blacks were given freedom and the choice to return to Africa, many chose to stay because America was so much better than what they had back home.
You still haven't listed any benefits of a racially diverse country.
You ask me to list benefits of an all White country, I list them for you, you don't dispute any of it and accuse me of being a tribalist.
I answered your question. As for me being a tribalist (What is demonizingly referred to as "racist" - but only for White people), I may be a tribsalist, but not an unwarranted one. I am only a tribalist because there is an ideological and demographic war against my people, otherwise I wouldn't be. It's OK to be a tribalist for any other group, but for White people, right? Even tough White people are under attack. Being a White tribalist is also justified purely for pragmatic reasons. People who aren't in any way idealistically White identatarian should oppose non White immigration for all the practical list of reasons I've given.
Your attitude stems from the false leftist notion that exclusion equals oppression. Exclusion is NOT oppression. All countries are segregate from each other. I am not oppressing my neighbour by not inviting him to dinner. Likewise, Japan is not oppressing China by not inviting millions of Chinese into their country. Japan is only oppressing China by invading and colonizing them. The only thing that is oppression is denial of sovereignty.
Race is much more than skin colour dude. Racial demographics of a country has TREMENDOUS impact on that country's well being. And acknowledging that reality does not make one a shitty human being. I do not believe someone being Black makes him a bad person. He can't help being Black. However there are statistical differences between races.
Advantage? Like, you have no single idea what it’s like to live a lifetime in this country...and you’re going to presume to know more about it than I do? GTFO! You don’t have to agree with my political stance, but it’s insulting for you to believe that you’d politically agree with anyone in this country. You simply don’t know what it’s like, and I’d sooner align myself with an American Republican than I would with you. I have voted for Republican candidates before.
I don't see any arguments in favour of non White immigration.
As for your point of me not having an idea of what it's like to be an American. YOU have no idea what it's like to live in a racially homogenous country. No racial discrimination lawsuits, no fear of offending anyone, no identity politics, no race riots, very low crime rates, no political correctness...etc, etc.
Ok, I’ll bite. From the perspective of a racist foreigner, What are the benefits of only letting the “whites” into a country that you don’t even live in?
So. You want a ton of white people to compete with less people for those food stamps? Oooff...those poor white red states would wither without the help of those liberal blue states. You know nothing, Jon Snow
The funding of those blue states comes from rich Whites in those places, not minorities.
Working class Whites would be much less poor if it wasn't for cheap labor coming from Latin America. In addition, America would probably have more social safety nets if was all White. People think that since minorities vote more for the left, that all White America would be more right wing, but the reality is the opposite. It's the presence of non Whites (especially Blacks) that make Whites more conservative. If America was all White, it would be a social democracy like Canada or the UK. In addition there would be much less intrinsic inequality due to the absence of low IQ minorities. All racially diverse countries have high income inequality.
they also come on vacation visas as well as visas that can be deemed fake since they may come from a corrupt government that is A-okay in the USofA's eyes.
What I find funnier is that his buddy Michelle Malkin is the technically an anchor baby since her parents had her conceived and born here even though they weren't US citizens, yet she's very vocal about being against birth tourism.