MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > This case PERFECTLY sums up the US Cultu...

This case PERFECTLY sums up the US Culture War.

On one side, you have a kid who has wanted all his life to be a cop, and who went to Kenosha to clean up graffiti and protect people's homes and businesses, and on the other, you have a bunch of tattooed, pierced, screaming savages with records of violent crime and depraved rapes of children.

The Leftists want Kyle locked up because he is a symbol of everything they hate and they want their perverted compatriots avenged.

If you line up with a guy (Rosenbaum) who raped FIVE little boys under twelve, I am sorry, but that is a sure sign you are one of the Bad Guys. Your side is fucked up beyond all hope and belief if these are the lives you value.


What’s funny is that they keep calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist, as if that’s a crime, let alone the crime he’s being charged with.

Not only were the three guys he shot at white convicts, but the car dealership he went to protect was owned by POCs. He even posed with them in a group pic before everything went down. Not a lot of people are mentioning the latter point whenever “white supremacy” is brought up.


" let alone the crime he’s being charged with."

Rosenbaum's past crimes aren't on trial and you people keep bringing it up. OP did just that. His criminal record isn't relevant to that night. Only the events of that night matter.


Like Roenbaum attacking and following him while he was trying to run away???

And it's funny that you say that when everyone on your side (maybe even you) bring up that he is a white supremacists because he was drinking with some randoms. Or wait, "Only the events of that night matter." is a trope that you use only when it fits you???

Fucking double standards and hypocrites.


I said he's a white supremacist? Where?

A trope!? LMFAO! That's called a fact, fella.


It's not my fault that the English language doesn't have a plural form for "you". But from the context shouldn't bee too hard that It was meant as the plural, as "you guys".

And even if you didn't call him a white supremacist i think that you talked about events that happened BEFORE that night. Even just painting KR as a loser does that ...


Plural of "You" is "Youse"


"Why is the word youse included in the dictionary? ... It tells us that the word is colloquial, that is, more likely to turn up in the spoken rather than the written language, and that, though widely used, it is nevertheless regarded as not acceptable in correct speech and writing."

But I learned something new today, thanks!


It’s like Y’all. I would never say either except as a joke.


If it weren't for "Fucking double standards and hypocrites.", they wouldn't have a platform.


This isn't a courtroom, his criminal record is absolutely relevant. It tells us he has a habit of being a piece of shit, in fact, he's been one his whole life. If he had been a Jehovah's witness with no record, you might argue he was chasing Rittenhouse to give him a brochure. He wasn't. He was a convicted pedophile with a violent past. But I understand that leftists are averse to the lessons of the past.


"This isn't a courtroom"

They're literally in a court room deciding his fate. What a STUPID comment, LOL!


WE are not in a fucking courtroom. Are you really this dense???


Apparently he is, he is envisioning himself as judge, juror, executioner ...


Apparently, after three or four tries, he never finished the 2nd grade.


WE aren't deciding the verdict.


Wow, you really are a special kind of stupid.


" let alone the crime he’s being charged with."

Rosenbaum's past crimes aren't on trial and you people keep bringing it up. OP did just that. His criminal record isn't relevant to that night. Only the events of that night matter.
Very valid point.

Unless the defendant knew of the dead man's record beforehand, it can't be used to support a claim of self-defense.

That said, I believe there is plenty of evidence other than the records of the dead men to sustain a claim of self-protection.


People keep bringing it up because others keep bringing up this false notion that Rittenhouse is a Nazi who went to Kenosha to shoot people, all while also claiming that the people he shot at were innocent, or at the very least neglecting to mention their criminal background.
People are lying about who’s the good guy and who’s the bad guy, so other people are setting the record straight.

There’s no proof Rittenhouse was a bad person in any way, while there’s irrefutable proof the men who chased him and beat him were convicts.

Sure, it’s all irrelevant to what happened that night, but if people are gonna keep claiming Rittenhouse is a white supremacist Nazi (with no evidence), then others will bring up that the people he shot at in self-defense were criminals (with evidence).


People keep bringing it up because others have insisted they were innocent men, all while claiming that Rittenhouse was a terrible person because of reasons.

There’s no proof Rittenhouse was a bad person in any capacity, while there’s irrefutable proof the men who chased him were convicts.

Sure, it’s all irrelevant to what happened that night, but if people keep claiming “Rittenhouse bad, rioters good”, expect other people to counter that.

Another valid point.

Even though Rittenhouse did put himself in the situation, that fact does not negate a claim of SD. In addition, the evidence shows that he did retreat and that he fired only when he had to.

Another thing worth pointing out is that in Wisconsin, like many other states, once a claim of SD is raised, the burden of proof shifts to the prosecution to show beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not SD. That's a tall order, and I am cautiously optimistic for the defense in this case.


No need to be cautious with your optimism; senile old Judge Mush For Brains & Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse had lunch with the jury today, & the jury assured Crybaby & Mush For Brains that they'd stretch it out long enough just to make it look good.


HE went THERE. He CHOSE to drive - scratch that, have his mom drive him - 20 miles TOWARDS a riot. With a gun, no less. He wasn't just walking down the street and was attacked, he sought the situation out. None of this happens if he doesn't think he can play cop.

He's absolutely guilty of the gun charge. The dirtbag judge threw it out, but he was in posession of a gun under age and that's illegal. At the very least, he should have gotten nailed on that.

"Victims" 2 and 3 are clearly on video attempting to assault him, with weapons, no less. One of which is a gun. I think the asshole with a skateboard managed to even hit him. That's self-defense.

The crazy guy? Rosenbaum. No evidence he was trying to kill Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse used deadly force. And a witness confirms he did not appear to be of a life-threatening level:

"Witness: Kenosha victim was belligerent but no threat"

"KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — The first man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse on the streets of Kenosha was acting “belligerently” that night but did not appear to pose a serious threat to anyone, a witness testified Friday at Rittenhouse’s murder trial.

Jason Lackowski, a former Marine who said he took an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to Kenosha last year to help protect property during violent protests against racial injustice, said that Joseph Rosenbaum “asked very bluntly to shoot him” and took a few “false steppings ... to entice someone to do something.”

He's absolutely guilty of this one, especially since it's reckless homicide and not intentional like the other one. He also clearly reckless used the gun and put lives in danger.


Then white supremacy shouldn't have anything to do with the case either.


It doesn't. He shot white people.


It is relevant if we're deciding if Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Since we weren't there, and videos are incomplete, knowing a person's past is important. What do you think Rosenbaum, who had raped at least five little boys in the past, would have done if Rittenhouse, a little boy, handed him his gun? Would he have unloaded it, handed it back to him, and said "go home," or would he have raped him at gunpoint before shooting and killing him?

Knowing that the person accused of pursuing and assaulting a little boy has a history of pursuing and assaulting little boys is absolutely relevant to determining if he was pursuing a little boy in order to assault him.

But you already knew this. You only pretend not to in order to avoid having to admit fault and changing your entrenched opinions.


I never defended Rosenbaum, I'm talking about if Rittenhouse's response was appropriate to what happened to him.


Maybe I responded to the wrong comment?


It's no big deal. People see one minor difference and just respond to that and my views on this case are not black and white. I think this is a very complicated case.




'you have a kid who has wanted all his life to be a cop"

Boy, did you just ruin your own point.


No, he didn't, only stupid leftists think that all cop are bad ...


You don't comprehend what I said.

Kyle isn't a cop.


So? The OP didn't say he was a cop, only that he wanted to be a cop. To anyone that's not left-leaning, that's an admirable thing.


This is going over your head.

He wanted to be a cop so bad, he took it upon himself to go to a riot....with a gun....and shoot multiple people. He sought this out because of delusions of grandeur. He had no legal right, making him a vigilante. You guys can't comprehend you're shooting your point in the foot.


Ooops, are you bringing up events unrelated to that night?

If RB being a pedofile and unstable are unrelated to the events of the night then him wanting to be a cop is as well unrelated.

But as I was saying, hypocrites and double standards ...


I literally only brought up events from that night. *facepalm*

And the OP brought up him wanting to be a cop.


Even if you didn't bring it up, you're using it.

And even worse: you're using it wrong. And twisting the facts.

BTW: Self Defense is NOT the definition for vigilante.


That's not what twisting means. He wanted to be a cop, he went out and shot people. Literally facts.


It is twisting the facts, and you're saying it like "all cops want to do is shoot people" which is moronic.

Yes, he wanted to be a cop, to defend and protect. And that's what he did there. And he shot people AFTER they attacked him, in self defense.

So you see how your warped, biased mind twists the facts???


Talking about twisting the facts:

"and you're saying it like "all cops want to do is shoot people" which is moronic."

This is projection. This is what you people do. It's a distraction tactic.


"He wanted to be a cop, he went out and shot people."

Your words. read it again, and again, and again.

Got it???


He's NOT a cop, he is playing one is a problem; hence the trial. Jesus H. Christ, you are DUMB.


So you do admit that in your view all cops do is shooting people. Ok.


It’s actually gone over your head, buddy.

He wanted to help out, he was lent a gun for protection because those so-called “protesters” and “activists” always end up rioting, looting, and beating people up, in some cases even killing people.
There’s no law that prevents people from helping others out, quite the opposite, we have “Good Samaritan” laws.


I remember hearing or reading that Crybaby wants to be a pediatric nurse.


It's a stark contrast but not at all surprising. These are the same people who have spent the better part of the last ten years treating criminals like heroes and cops like criminals.


So exactly who did Rottenhouse “protect”? Oh that’s right, nobody. He just killed 2 people. It’s amazing that only right wingers manage to get people killed despite all these claims of “violent leftists.”

Which side is “bad” again when it seems only the tiki-torch wielding side actually kills anyone?


But Crybaby Rottenhouse will be a martyr after this & a right celebrity.


I guess they needed someone to replace Timothy McVeigh


That probably sums it up.


tim mcveigh did his crimes cause the government was burning kids alive in waco texas


If Koresh would have complied with law enforcement none of that would have ever happened.


u cant burn children alive just cuz their dad isnt cooperating with law enforcement. those kids did nothing wrong and the government decided to burn them alive to show the whole country what they are willing to do to take away our guns. all it took was one ptsd insane methhead to do the same shit back to them and they realized they gotta back off or more crazy methheads that are everywhere in this country are gonna start fighting back too. never underestimate the power of methamphetamines


People were chasing and attacking him. He defended himself. Nothing else matters.


“Chasing and attacking”funny way to say “following and tossing plastic bags”.


... and then he sat down. After which he was kicked and attacked w a skateboard and had a gun pointed at him.


Right wing nuts tend to be paranoid & perceive anything as a threat to their worthless lives.


The downsides of democracy and social media. Any moron can voice their opinion and magnify it for all to hear.
Price of living in a free-er society I suppose


Was running and shouting "If i catch you I will kill you"

Are you all this fucking stupid???


Assom, you are so cute when you are angry. Are your ears red & are you stomping your little feet?


According to who? Your little alt-right poster child? Rottenhouse already admitted he went there with intent to “shoot liberals,” so that makes you not only stupid but a hypocrite.



"Rottenhouse already admitted he went there with intent to “shoot liberals,”"

Source? Link? And not from your wild imagination ...


Yes, in fact Assom's ears have turned red & he is stamping his little feet.


I guess you’re not privy to all the facts of the case. Google is your friend kiddo


The burden of proof is on you, buddy.
You made the claim, you need to cite your sources.


LOL! Have you been citing your sources, LanceDunce?


It’s common knowledge, but you can always Google it you lazy trailer trash.


But you cannot google it and prove your point?

Fucking stupid liberals ... always lying ...


Assom, who taught you how to use an ellipsis?


Laziness :P


Okay. After you used the term 'stupid' to describe people other than yourself, I was just curious.


Well, as a recent immigrant I bet that I speak and write far better in English than you could speak or write in my home language ...


Oh, I have no doubt that you are a genius in disguise.


“Common knowledge” eh? For something so damning and common, you’re the only one talking about it.

Use your google friend and prove it. Shouldn’t be that hard for you if he really said it.


It’s really sad that you’re unable to Google something so basic. Are you sure you need help with this? Do you know how to use a search engine properly?


Still insist on playing coy?

For something so easy, you seem to be having a hard time showing it to us.


I’m not doing your own research for you kid.


Your claim, your research, squirt. That fact that you're too scared to prove this "common knowledge" means you've been lying this whole time.



You must have crippling trust issues


"Common knowledge" means "as I saw it on CNN and MSNBC". Just another level of lies.

Don't expect him to provide any support for his lies, just because he has none ...


That's right . . . make sure you stick to The Fucker Carlson Comedy Hour.


Maybe not, but it's kinda fun seeing him dig his own grave, and he doesn't even realize it. I wonder how deep he'll go before he figures it out?


Lance Dunce, you are so, so smart!


You can ignore him, he's just a stupid troll ;)


Awwww, I don't want to ignore LanceDunce!


Need glasses buddy?

PS: stop stalking me, creep.


Ha ha! Easy, Assom, you are taking yourself way too seriously.


I was 100% sure you'll tell me to search it for you.

Unluckily for you I did a search and come back with zero results.

So it seems that you're lying and full of shit.

Btw, the burden of proof is on the one that makes the claim, that's you. But apparently you have none.

Thanks for confirming it ...


So you lack the intellectual capacity to know how to use a basic search engine. Hilarious, but predictable.



So that's all you leftists have? Lies and more lies?

Wouldn't it be amazing if your stupid prosecutor would do the same when the judge asks a question?? "do a google man".

Or the witness in a trial: "why don't you google it yourself"???

You guys are 100% dumb, but it's good that you admit that you're lying, by not providing any support for your lies ...


I would bet money that the "stupid" prosecutor knows how to type an ellipsis.


Sums up why every city run by the communist Democrat media/party for the last 50-100 years is a complete shithole no one wants to be in. And why everyone moves to Republican strong holds like Florida and Texas.


"A complete shithole"? Why do you talk about your own trailer park that way?


Yes. Once side that lives in a reality as confirmed by multiple angles of video, FBI video, multiple witnesses. And one side that lives in fantasyland. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
