MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > This Kyle Rittenhouse case is VERY impor...

This Kyle Rittenhouse case is VERY important to white supremacists

This is why so many are supporting him. Because to them, the ability to harm people with impunity -particularly black people, or white people perceived as helping black people[/b] is an integral part of perpetuating white supremacist efficacy

Edit: [b]Kyle Rittenhouse dreamed about shooting people days before Kenosha


And why is it very important to you, a communist??

As a tool to advance the "if we say you're guilty the facts and evidence are irrelevant, you're guilty!!!" idea? And that lynching is way more important than justice.


You're all kinds of stupid.


he killed a pedo that was white(maybe jew from sound of last name), some skater wife beater who assaulted him over the head with his board and reached for his weapon who was white, and some other person who i am pretty sure is also white


Maybe he couldn't see the others because it was night time?




lol good one hahahahahhaahah


You know reading garbage from this thing, triplea, makes me wonder if there’s inbreeding in the family.


You know the signs, huh?


Black Fragility - The OP


Sometimes ya just can’t fix stupid! What in the farthest reaches of your mind gave you such an idiotic idea? Why did you bring Black people into the equation? This incident involved only Whites. Your type isn’t happy unless you can stir the race caldron. You throw out $50 dollar words hoping they will cover your lack of logic and reasoning. Shame on you! You race baiter!


You cannot be fixed then I guess.


Recall that old adage “If you can’t say something nice about someone don’t say anything at all.” Just expand it to “If you can’t say something intelligent it’s best to keep your mouth shut so you don’t show your ignorance.”

So go away little troll.


Maybe you should give those a try yourself sometime Miss Information.


You’re proving what I said. Keep going little troll.


He/she/it brought black people into the equation because the New Left is the most racist bunch of a*holes to ever walk the planet. It's projection, pure and simple.


He shot white people, you idiot.


No. The left just think they were the right sort of white people. In the same way any black person who doesn't cry racism at every opportunity is labelled the wrong sort of black person.


Jews aren't white.


They are as white as any other white folks I know.


Maybe on the surface. But they're a distinct ethnic group (religiously AND genetically), with a distinct identity.


Well, other than the fact that none of the four people involved in the shooting were black, I'm sure the two or three dozen white supremacists in the U.S. were cheering anyway.


“If you can’t say something intelligent it’s best to keep your mouth shut so you don’t show your ignorance.”


A hand painted sign over your mantle?


People like you are so disgusting. You twist the truth this way and that to uphold your f'd up view of the world. You lie. You slander. You libel. You commit one logical fallacy after another. You engage in brazen hypocrisy without blushing. All because you hate yourself and you want the world to look as ugly as you do on the inside. Instead of tearing down people who know how to enjoy their lives, why don't you find a (constructive) hobby and figure out a way to find happiness? Stop pushing your psychosis on everyone else!


Just like you do.


I would hate to be as devoid of creativity as you are. But then again, you're so empty-headed, you don't even realize how dull your thoughts are (and I'm being generous when I refer to anything you posses as a 'thought').


There you go again.


Many apologies, I didn't notice your name. I shouldn't expect anything profound from someone so far back on the evolution chart.

Go ahead and make one last stupid remark and I'll consider this exchange complete.


It does make you wonder what this thing evolved from and hope there aren’t many more of them. Do you suppose they came from those alien pods?


You continue to forget…they aren’t people. They are “things”. People as a whole have logic, have reasoning, have feelings other than hatred. The “things” only purpose in life is to stir the race caldron. That’s all they have which is why their very existence is so shallow. Pitiful waste of air.


Yes, I've taken to calling them Pod People. A mindless collective.
