More from the Republican Party of "Christian, Family Values"
Lauren is a wonderful role model!!!
shareLauren is a wonderful role model!!!
shareDoes she preach abstinence only and waiting for marriage?
I doubt this 36 year old religious conservative GRANDMA practices what she preaches. We know her kids don't!
Ok she vaped and kissed a guy during a movie, oh boy god lets make this a story! HB just murdered a whore and made millions selling his dimwit fathers political influence, nothing to see here.
shareRepublicans are hilarious. Always preaching family values, fretting about the children, the children, oh my Lord, the children, we need prayer in school because public morals are declining, then you vote for a man who's divorced twice and cheated with a porn performer while his pregnant wife was pregnant.
And you haven't got much problem with a Republican Representative getting to second base and vaping at a family friendly musical. She clearly didn't care whether the people next to her were enjoying themselves either, but then, that's pretty much the Republican mindset, really, isn't it?
I got mine!
"and cheated with a porn performer while his pregnant wife was pregnant."
Is that you Shakespeare?
This is the mindset of a leftist:
If you can’t be a saint or an angel you may as well be a demon or a devil.
Yes, and they cannot see the difference between a grown woman kissing her date in a pitch black theater where everyone is over 30, and drag queens grinding on kids in kindergarten.
shareThe most useless people breed the most.
shareShe's with her man in a dark theater filled with adults over 30. How do you think families get started? Let me guess, you think men can get pregnant.
The real pervert in this scenario is whoever secretly filmed their private moment in the darkness of a theater and released it to the public.
Aren't you exhausted from making excuses for Boebert's poor behavior? Her behavior was inappropriate especially in a full theater with parents and their children. Boebert deserved to be tossed out on her ass. Besides, it wasn't the groping that got Boebert ejected it was her total disregard for other patrons when she hit her vape. A pregnant woman asked Boebert to stop vaping but Boebert refused. She is a very stupid and selfish woman. Why do you support her? Oh... That pervert who recorded Boebert is a security camera inside the theater, genius.
shareLet's suppose it is a security camera, who's the pervert who released the footage to the public? How about someone secretly record what you do in the dark on a hot date and release it to the public?
That said, I agree that she should've saved such activity for when the two were behind closed doors. It's simple wisdom, especially for a political figure.
More excuses. Apparently you're too stupid to see that the camera recording Boebert is a security camera. If Boebert was sitting next to you in a theater and she started to hit a vape, talk loudly and groping her date would you just sit there and not say something? I know I would say something.
shareIt's interesting how we have footage readily made public of an outspoken Conservative politician on a date in a dark theater, but the FBI can't find footage of the person who brought cocaine into the White House despite hundreds of state-of-the-art security cameras; nor can officials find footage of Epstein's "suicide" wherein two cameras supposedly "malfunctioned" at just that particular moment.
Obviously there's a double standard in modern America: Conservative politicos are held accountable to any possible infraction while Libs -- Dems and RINOs -- are held accountable for nothing.
What are you babbling about? What does your insipid comment have to do with Boebert vaping and giving her date a handjob in a theater full of families? I see that you are doubling down on your stupidity.
hahahah Wuchak went full conspiracy nutjob.... i dont think ive seen a more unhinged reply and that includes the diatribe we get from jowil, elcamino and Blacksurn
shareWhat is the name of the argument where people bring up all other things instead of what is being discussed?? Here is a tissue Wuchak....
shareLet's suppose it is a security camera (which I'm not convinced of), who's the pervert who released the footage to the public? How about someone secretly record what you do in the dark on a hot date and release it to the public?
Why don't camera phones have night vision camera capabilities?
share1.90%+ of cameras dont have night vision. so the chances someone had one to film. that said see comment 2 showing its impossible
2. heres 8 minutes of footage. the camera doesnt move even slightly. its impossible for anyone to hold it that long still. unless you are suggesting someone brought a tripod just to film boebert
you dont seem to have a coherent arguement
My sole argument is that some camera phones have night vision capability. It was made only to counter your claim that none of them do.
I made no claims about the incident in which Boebert was involved.
Are you aware of the invention of tripods? Since my argument was only that these cameras exist, which part of it was incoherent? If anyone is going full tard, it is you.
i wasnt precise with my language but yes almost none have night vision. its extremely rare 57% of US smart phones are Iphones, none of which has nightvision. nor do any Samsung phones which make up 26%
are you aware the utter implausibility and bizarness of someone attending a play with a tripod, something that is illegal to record ( "Bottom line: It's illegal, it's a breach of the license agreement, and can be very costly. ") and setting up a tripod and recording the audience. when every report says it was the theatre CCTV cameras?
so again the idea a random theatre patron brought a tripod, AND just so happened to have a night vision camera. ALL to record Boebert. when reports are its the theatres cameras.
and im being a tard? please never comment again
Yes, you are being a tard when you think that arguing in absolutes is not stupid. You complained when I proved you were wrong instead of just admitting you made a mistake.
I think the video was made by a security camera. That does not mean that I should be allowing a lie to go unchallenged. Is that how you want things to work here?
hahahahahahhh no complaining happened. i admitted i wasnt precise, and my own source showed 92% of the US market share are by manufacturers who dont make night vision phones. and even the other 8% from far far smaller brands, the vast vast majority of those dont have night vission.
you are just focusing in on that rather than addressing what i wrote cause you are dodging like a bitch and all over the place.
so was it a secrutity camera or someone setup a tripod?
you really as a pathetic pussy
Disregarding the question of whether she was living up to her Christian values or setting a good moral example, which Republicans are constantly telling us our leaders should do, what about the TOTAL disregard for the people around her at the show?
Totally self centered of her not to care at all that she was ruining the show for other people. If you want to vape and talk and grope each other, stay home and watch Netflix.
I agree that her actions were unwise (as noted above in my response to Robocat) and even selfish to a degree, as you point out (the vaping), but it's not like she was bringing illegal drugs into the White House or dancing nude on the White House lawn in June or wiggling her genitalia in little kids' faces at a "Pride" march. She was on a date with her beau in the darkness of a theater -- out on the town having fun to get through the stress of a divorce. Let's keep things in perspective.
Furthermore, she apologized, saying that her actions were "not meant to be malicious or cause harm, but the reality is they did." "I did thoroughly enjoy the AMAZING Beetlejuice at the Buell Theatre and I plead guilty to laughing and singing too loud!" How often do Leftie politicos ever apologize for their perversions, corruptions, voting fraud or murders (like Benghazi and Epstein's "suicide")?
I love how conservatives always cut their side more slack than anyone else...
She's a fucking pervert. Say what is true.......
I mean, for me, if a politician is a damn HYPOCRITE, that's the end of them getting MY VOTE, be they DEM or REP... but you fkn dildos... you'd accept and vote for hitler if he spewed your conservitard bullshit!!!!
Fucking pigs make me sick!
She did a little vaping in public and said she didn't remember if she did or not. It's not the end of the world. As for her beau groping her on a date in a dark theater, that's what dudes tend to do when they're with their babe in their private space in a dark room.
So, yes, her actions were unwise, even selfish to a degree -- while out on the town having a good time -- but that hardly makes her a "pervert." Get real.
The real perverts are fake "women" prancing around nude on the White House lawn, wiggling their private parts in front of little kids in the name of "Pride," Demonic-rats committing gross voting fraud to turn America into a Communist county, maliciously slandering political opponents, jailing unarmed patriots for a fake "insurrection" and murdering people who can expose their corruptions under the guise of "suicide." Need I go on? Modern Liberals are better known as LIEberals for good reason.
Yeah, yeah... "a little..." how lenient you are with her.... it's like Jared Kushner getting 2 BILLION from the Saudis, but you're not worried about "impropriety" there, you just wanna go after Hunter Biden...!
Disingenuous accusations for your political BELIEFS are BULLSHIT any which way you try and cut it!
Either they're all criminals, or none of them are. You don't get to pick and choose... unless you're a fucking republican....
Why I left the party...
I'm no lib either... I just believe and follow the teachings of JESUS. And if you and the whole of the republican party did so as well, you'd be SOCIALISTS...
"I love how conservatives always cut their side more slack than anyone else..."
Especially since they are the ones loudly complaining about a decline in public morals and blaming it on things no organized prayers in public schools or the Clintons being bad influences.
So Don Jr. brought drugs into the White House? What do you want them to do about it?
How do you know it wasn't Donny Jr.?
nothing says family values like grabbing dick and tits in a theatre with hundreds of other people
shareHow do you think Conservatives end up with families? Besides they were in their personal space a dark theater and didn't know they were being filmed. Who noses in on what a couple is doing in their seats in a dark theater anyway? Not me. Only a nosey phukk or pervert.
Let's have a camera on you and your date/spouse in the dark theater and see what we come up with.
HHAHAHAH PERSONAL SPACE? in a threate with hundreds of other poeple? lol i dont grab my spouses/ladys tits and get her to grab my dick in a theatre surrounded by hundreds cause im not a fucking pervert LOL
you dont have to be nosey, you can literally see it from your peripherals her tit being groped is literally 2 feet away from the other random guy sitting beside these perverts.
you need to get some help. you arent is wrong with you???
Yeah, right. Like a couple on a hot date groping each other in their personal space in the darkness has never happened before in the history of human civilization (rolling my eyes). Since it was in a theater, it was unwise but not "perverted," and she has publicly apologized. So what's the problem? There is none, but LIEberals keep frothing at the mouth like something earthshattering has happened. Get real and grow up.
HHAHAHAH PERSONAL SPACE? in a threate with hundreds of other poeple?
where the fuck did i say its never happened in history??? are you illiterate???
by that definition every single groping is in "their personal space" unless you are reaching over somone to do it its their space. that isnt a defence tard. it def is perverted
(of a person or their actions) characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies.
I said space, not room. Yes, their two chairs that they paid for is their personal space in that dark environment. Without the camera footage no one would've known about the groping.
You don't understand us.
shareWe got a video of Lauren Boebert getting a little out of hand on a fun date in a dark theater, but we've never gotten:
- The Epstein client list.
- Video support of Epstein's "suicide" (where two security cameras supposedly malfunctioned at that particular moment)
- The manifesto of the trans Nashville shooter.
- The identity of the SCOTUS Roe vs. Wade leaker.
- The J6 videos.
- The identity of the J6 pipe-bomber.
- The motive and important details of the Las Vegas shooter.
- The White House cocaine culprit.
The political double standard is stunning.
By the way, Lauren publicly acknowledged and apologized for her indiscretions at the theater.
She is a different kind of christian. They have Republican Jesus as their savior and guide. Traditional Jesus is too woke and liberal for them.
Who am I kidding. 🙂 I don't think they actually believe any of it. Religion is just a scam to them; a scam they use to fleece the sheep that cling to them.