MovieChat Forums > Chris Hemsworth Discussion > People expect him to be a Tom Hanks or T...

People expect him to be a Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise level already?He's 32!

Get serious. He's still VERY early in the game.

You're comparing him to actors who've been established for 30 years to a guy who has been known for only a few years. He's very young and has a lot to offer, but it does take time to become established with the public and navigating through the right projects. I think he now knows what he needs to be looking for and what people are naturally more drawn to as far as movies go. These fanboys and fangirls are so quick to judge. None of you bring up the bright spots he had outside of the Avengers this year. He did have them.

Do you troll Bradley Cooper's or Michael Fassbender's board too? Hugh Jackman and Will Smith had some bombs in the last few years too, but looks like they're on the upswing.

Pretty much every successful actor will have a few flops in their career, usually early on is when it happens.

He is a likable guy and plenty of people are drawn to him. Most of the comments made by those who are aggressively against him are not even original or well thought out. It's like you're angry he's attractive or that you're girlfriend finds him to be so. What a sad life you must lead.

The fact is he is magnetic, and does have a strong on screen presence. He wouldn't be anywhere if he didn't.

But in a 3-5 years when he's become a legit draw, the same trolls will still be angry and posting the same crap while the rest of the world will know he's a legit movie star.


Chris pine has the same issue i hate it when people say it box office poison because nowadays it's not the actors that really bring in the bucks. Its the marketing of the film and whether or not people are interested i that particular film.

I have to say that releasing the heart of the sea when they did was a big big mistake. It's not hemsworths fault it's the studios thinking that it could compete up against star wars even the hunger games won't do so well star wars is going to make billions no film can compete with that.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"
