MovieChat Forums > Chris Hemsworth Discussion > What do you think his Oscar chances are ...

What do you think his Oscar chances are this season?

And I want real answers, annoying butthurt fanboys/fangirls can be irrelevant somewhere else.

I'm honestly wondering, I've seen people say In The Heart of The Sea his best work. A lot of people forget how young he actually is (only 32) and in a way, I would like for him not to get one for like another decade. There's something about when a person gets too much recognition at once. Plus, Fassbender, Will Smith, are pretty much shoe ins for nominations. I'm guessing Tom HIddleston will too

I also kind of think Chris probably won't get a nom unless he pulls what Charlize Theron did for Monster. He's so handsome, he has fun with joking about it, but it has to get old for him when he does bust his arse to be legit in the movies he makes.


I have a question - I don't know if I should post it here, but this seems like one of the more in-depth kind of threads, so here we go:

I've been reading some forums in the past couple of months and I realized that even though Chris is one of the better known young actors out there he doesn't seem to have that many hard-core fans. Sure girls scream when he's around and little boys dress up in Thor customes, some even give credits for his acting abilities (as we already talked about it, mostly for Rush) and even for his comedic timing, still he doesn't motivate that kind of investment/discussion as some of his colleagues such as C. Evans, H. Cavill, or Hiddleston, Pratt. Why is that? I don't think he is any worse than them acting wise, neither is his resume, so what is the issue here?

*Please note while I'm talking about fan investment I'm not complaining about the lack of crazies (I'm looking at you Cumberbatch fans), more about the regular ppl who would go see a movie just because Chris is in it. I'm asking this because a stable fandom can obviously lead to better B.O performance.

I do realize that he doesn't have the longest filmography, but even in a crowded year such as this(4 movies) he doesn't get that much of an exposure (while Hiddleston is currently everywhere, so was Cavill with man from uncle, which could have been a decent success if not for the bad timing - who thought it would be a great idea to release that movie right after Mission Impossible? Of course, Pratt is a different issue, most ppl went to see his movie for the dinos not for him or BDH). Anyway... Back to Chris.
Even the excitement concerning the Huntsman movie is all about the three ladies, as far as I can see.
He should probably do more movies, although he might not have the time since he has to bulk up for the next Thor (I think he is overdoing this thing a bit, his Thor 1 body would be enough, the rest of the time spent on additional bulking is just taking up his time from pursuing other roles).
I wonder if he's actually trying hard enough to lend some decent roles? His vacation role was tiny, he's Ghostbusters role will be small too. I thought by now at least one or two decent projects will be announced in his filmography for next year, but so far nothing. Is he too expensive for studios? Does he turn down the supporting roles? Is it because of his children/wife (that I can totally respect).
So, what's happening? Why isn't he a bigger thing?
I really wish to see him in indie projects to show off his range but some former Colin Farrel type of roles (such as in bruge or the recruit) would be great, too.

What are your thoughts?

Ps: sorry for the long post but I'm really trying to start a discussion.;)
