MovieChat Forums > Chris Hemsworth Discussion > Competent but uninteresting

Competent but uninteresting

I'm generally not one for leaving critical threads on actors, but with all the hype surrounding this guy at the moment I was interested to see if anybody felt the way I do about his acting. I see a lot of people defending him and citing rush as this amazing performance but from what I could see it was a just a competent performance of someone playing a young over-confident privileged man which is what I imagine Chris Hemsworth was when he was younger, so no great stretch there. It's funny though because I see Kristen Stewart take a lot of flak for her acting which I really don't think is that bad when she has a decent script, she was one of the best things about "On the Road". He just seems to lack personality and substance, I'm sure he's a lovely bloke but I don't really care about that I want to watch exciting performances by intelligent actors....

Does anyone out there think that Chris Hemsworth can become a great actor through perseverance? Or do you think he will fade into TV obscurity once a younger actor takes his place? Do you put him in the same category as Fassbender or Tom Hardy?

Anyway I find him so dull to watch, really thought that Skarsgard would have made a more interesting Thor (not that I really care about that character) but ye he's very attractive in a generic way


I find Hardy boring. I don't get the appeal at all.
