MovieChat Forums > Chris Hemsworth Discussion > Competent but uninteresting

Competent but uninteresting

I'm generally not one for leaving critical threads on actors, but with all the hype surrounding this guy at the moment I was interested to see if anybody felt the way I do about his acting. I see a lot of people defending him and citing rush as this amazing performance but from what I could see it was a just a competent performance of someone playing a young over-confident privileged man which is what I imagine Chris Hemsworth was when he was younger, so no great stretch there. It's funny though because I see Kristen Stewart take a lot of flak for her acting which I really don't think is that bad when she has a decent script, she was one of the best things about "On the Road". He just seems to lack personality and substance, I'm sure he's a lovely bloke but I don't really care about that I want to watch exciting performances by intelligent actors....

Does anyone out there think that Chris Hemsworth can become a great actor through perseverance? Or do you think he will fade into TV obscurity once a younger actor takes his place? Do you put him in the same category as Fassbender or Tom Hardy?

Anyway I find him so dull to watch, really thought that Skarsgard would have made a more interesting Thor (not that I really care about that character) but ye he's very attractive in a generic way


I agree with everything…

I saw "In the Heart of the Sea" yesterday and came away with the impression that the film would have been

MUCH better with someone like Tom Hardy in the lead…

Chris can't carry a film…he has very limited charisma and is not convincing in most parts.

"Rush" was an O.K. performance, but paled in contrast to Brühl.

Chris should have never been chosen as a lead in "Blackhat" or "ITHOTS"…

He's no movie star.


well i haven't seen this yet and probably won't bother unless it's on TV or i stream it.... Cilian Murphy is in that, and he's an amazing actor, I would've loved to have seen him in a lead role, he's got the chops


Yes, Cilian Murphy has great potential.

I'm actually surprised that he hasn't become a bigger star yet.

He was good in "ITHOTS", but has limited screentime.

Murphy was outstanding in "Batman Begins" and he deserves more lead performances.


Check him out in the series Peaky Blinders, he's amazing in that


He's decent, but is not an entertaining actor. He doesn't glue your eyes to the screen like someone like Heath ledger did or tom Hardy. He's very one dimensional in his acting. Always tough, brave and dashing.


You're not alone on thinking this, I feel the exact same way about him. I don't know if it's him, his choice or roles, or lack of guidance from proper directors until now. But yes, his performances always comes of as being boring/dull and extremely one-dimensional. When I see his name/face on a movie poster, I don't exactly have great expectations for the movie.

But... I definitely think that there is potential in the guy. I won't go as far as calling him typecast, but he needs to break out of these one-dimensional characters/performances. And - most importantly, he needs to work with a director who can make the best of him. For instance a guy like David Fincher.

All these voices in my head, and not a single one I understand.


The only reason Cilian is not famous is that he chooses not to be. He's too quiet a person to endure the hype.


Man, I think he would kill it in a David Fincher movie. Rosamund Pike was known primarily for being a Bond girl before Finch cast her in Gone Girl and look where she is now. Something like a Tyler Durden type of role.
