MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Rules for white people

Rules for white people



"EQUALITY FOR ALL!!!.OH by the why here's a list of rules for for you whities to follow."


Some are more equal than others.


They never wanted equality, they want superiority.


It truly boggles the mind. How people can think this is OK? Imagine if the races were reversed...

This type of stuff is RACIST. End of.


Rules for black people:

Up until now, I've managed to live my entire life without bothering any of you. I'd like to keep that momentum going. But if you approach me and tell me to put on a mask, or arrogantly lay some racist crap about "whiteness" on me, I promise you will not walk away from that encounter happy. Let's just leave each other alone.

It's ridiculous enough that they have named a public square after that thug. Adding this inflamatory, racist, stupid sign just demonstrates what arrogant jerkwads they are. A hearty middle finger to Floyd and the useful idiots who claim he's a martyr.
